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Chambers Bay - Single Play

Wed, Jun 24 2015 8:43 AM (23 replies)
  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2015 8:35 PM

    How do you play a solo stroke round, either practice or ranked, on Chambers Bay? When I choose "create a group" I don't see any way to just play by myself.




  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2015 10:37 PM

    only way atm is to play the qualifier - unlimited

  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Sat, Jun 20 2015 10:47 PM

    You can play a ranked round through these links

    Full 18 holes - Chambers Bay ranked round

    Front 9

    Back 9

    These links will bring up the game client in full screen mode. If you prefer to play through the smaller game client window just go to the first tee and click save and quit. Shut the windown down and click on the play now button which will bring up the smaller game client and click contine.


  • oneeyedjohn
    9,570 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 2:43 AM

    clever stuff Stobs, tell us how ya did that, pm is good

    Next year is at Oakmont so we won't need a workaround, but useful to know.

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 3:44 AM

    Thx for the tip to have the windowed game, Stobs.

  • WGTadmin2
    1,152 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 10:04 AM

    We would however appreciate it if you play through the tournament so that you can help our partnership with the USGA and show your support for the US Open.  Thanks

  • alosso
    21,054 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 1:35 PM

    Considering the type of "help" and "support" we get here, do you think your company earns anything more than our monies?

  • bubbsboy
    6,879 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 2:23 PM


    We would however appreciate it if you play through the tournament so that you can help our partnership with the USGA and show your support for the US Open.  Thanks

    Boy you lot jumped on this quick but when we need assistance and info reg blue screens, bank updates, discos, unable to set some tournaments, new pins, new courses, dot speeds,free club rentals, unexpected errors, video carousel issues,last ball warning issues,game crashes etc etc etc,,,,,the silence is deafening.

    Bollox with USGA partnership.....Get your own ship in order and leave the professionals at USGA to be ..........professional.

    Dont think by the forums that im the only moaning goat


  • Stobsbee
    4,784 Posts
    Sun, Jun 21 2015 2:37 PM

    tell us how ya did that
    I just copied and pasted the links from this thread which was posted when C.B. was first introduced.

  • RKPayne
    213 Posts
    Mon, Jun 22 2015 5:18 PM


    You can play a ranked round through these links

    Full 18 holes - Chambers Bay ranked round

    Front 9

    Back 9

    These links will bring up the game client in full screen mode. If you prefer to play through the smaller game client window just go to the first tee and click save and quit. Shut the windown down and click on the play now button which will bring up the smaller game client and click contine.

    Thanks much Stob....appreciate it.

    Cheers,,fwys & greens
