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Christmas in July 2015

Mon, Jul 13 2015 5:16 PM (1,238 replies)
  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 1:42 PM

     Its the MrCaddie 12 days of Christmas in July 2015 give away .

     If you need something from the pro shop that will help your game now is your chance to ask the Santa,s .

    This thread will be open for the next 12 days to give all the good boys and girls here in WGT land time to post .

    Many will ask for a gift , But there are only so many Santa,s , So not every one will get a gift 



  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 1:42 PM

    Here is just a few of the lucky players that got a gift 

    Bojack34                      bloodhand

    Theknack                    nicole0161106

    Andymish                    bigvic607

    Seanobrien                 28dave

    Jimbo4000                  irishowen

    Indianrespect               springn












  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 2:13 PM

    Saved  # 2 

    The "  4th "  Day of this event Santa,s ,  60 + pages .  

    I want to say Thank you to the Team at WGT .

    The 6th Day  ,  80 + pages , 

    Update , Day # 7 ..  I was at WGT  HQ today for a meeting ( a bug / Yancy thing ) , As WGTShamwow was walking back to his Office ( the lunch room ) he dropped his WGT co credit card .  Question is , What do I do ?  Pick it up and say " Sir you dropped this " and hand it back to him .  OR   -----     

    Day # 9 .   110 pages   . Started out with X amount of Santa,s for 12 days , Do to the community that # of Santa,s has doubled .   As to that OR , I could not help myself with Shamwows WGT co credit card , I went shopping at the proshop for gifts before I returned it to him ..     Bad OPY 

    Day # 11 .  What a long strange trip this has been .   And I have most enjoyed it . Thank you all . OPY 

    Day # 12  .  As it comes to a close , I know there is a Santa . My community and friends made it happen .  







  • mnshiner
    1,382 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 3:07 PM

    Very nice thing you are doing here Opy!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • opyeuclid
    6,710 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 3:23 PM

    Very nice thing We  are doing here

    Its the Santa,s that make the event .  Its a nice thing that they are doing .


  • WGTShamWow
    926 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 4:04 PM

    Santa's Ready!

  • SleemanMan
    1,125 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 4:43 PM

    Wow! That's a nice gesture! I posted a publication about 2 weeks ago asking advices for clubs to buy and was told to wait past level 30. I just got to level 29 but i honestly don't really know what i should get once i reach level 30+ so i wouldn't know what to ask lol

    Right now, i have about 700 credits and all i saw worth buying is the TaylorMade Ghost Spider Putter at 800 credits (level 35). I was thinking to get that and then, trying to save for a driver because if this game is much like real life golf, the order is (for me) putter, driver, iron set, wedges and better woods at the end.

    So with all that being said, could i ask for a better driver? But i don't know which lol. I will go check it out.

    Thank you for this very nice opportunity. But i do have a question. Are there any restrictions or requirements ?

    Edit) I saw this : i25 10.5° Driver (L37+) at 1,195 Cr. The problem is, i still have 8 levels to go :( but if it goes as fast as the last ones, i should get there in about 2 weeks if i play everyday :)

    Edit 2) just took another look at the pro-shop and even the irons and wedges worth having are at level 35+ so if by any chance i am chosen among the few to receive something, it would be much appreciated if the Santa could wait until i get there (level 35-37).

    So my wish list is one of those :

    - i25 10.5° Driver (L37+) at 1,195 Cr.


    - PING G25 Iron Set (Steel) (L35+) at 1,295 Cr.

  • DaveStrock
    919 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 5:17 PM


        Dear Santa's,,,thank you all for your generosity it is greatly appreciated by many,,personally I would love to have the level 94 Nike putter or the Nike Covert level 100 driver,I rented the level 94 Nike method putter and the higher level Nike but found that the speed of the level 94 suits my game better along with it's distance increments,,,,,If I do receive either the putter or driver as a gift I will also put on my Santa suit and pay it forward to another player in need of some equipment,,,,,thank you in advance Santa........

  • MBaggese
    15,378 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 6:23 PM

    Dear Santa's...


    I would really, really like 6 to 7 dinged approach shots per  9 hole round...if you can manage that, I would be so grateful!

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Wed, Jul 1 2015 6:54 PM

    I just sent them to you MB, please don't waste them.