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Tue, Mar 7 2017 5:45 AM (147 replies)
  • DAD111
    582 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 5:53 AM

    Okay folks. I'm starting this thread for all members who have problems playing the 7 videos on the carousel.

    Must be going on 6 weeks now and I can count on 2 hands how many I've been able to view. None today after several attempts.

    I know other countries have similar problems, as does parts of USA. I'm asking members to post here if they have continued problems, so as to let the mods know what countries/regions are affected. 

    Don't know what good that will do certainly (if anything at all) but at least they'll know the scale of the problem. Thanks to all in advance.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 6:18 AM

    I've only been able to watch the odd numbers for a month. (Hiya)

  • wigii
    47 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 6:29 AM

    I  live in Vancouver BC .Posted on this problem back in June Livegamer still not working.To be honest i dont give a rats ass anymore. All part of WGT Mandate that its not there problem.

  • Eddie77
    330 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 6:34 AM

    Been having the same problem

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 6:39 AM

    Should be fix soon (count in months or in years)

  • geofray
    19 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 7:05 AM

    buenos dias comunidad wgt

    efectivamente el carrusel no funciona correctamente desde hace varios meses y a partir del 1o de septiembre no funciono mas ya puse la queja en wgt support y live gamer support y no ha sido posible que solucionen el problema dan unas respuestas que no tienen logica y seguimos sin poder ver videos y redimir creditos gratis...

    por favor señores wgt y livegamer es una falla masiva urgente solucion...

    saludos comunidad wgt...geofray

  • mathia14
    1,271 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 7:44 AM


    Okay folks. I'm starting this thread for all members who have problems playing the 7 videos on the carousel.

    Must be going on 6 weeks now and I can count on 2 hands how many I've been able to view. None today after several attempts.

    I know other countries have similar problems, as does parts of USA. I'm asking members to post here if they have continued problems, so as to let the mods know what countries/regions are affected. 

    Don't know what good that will do certainly (if anything at all) but at least they'll know the scale of the problem. Thanks to all in advance.

    I start out doing the odd numbers.  Then try the even.  If they don't work, then I refresh and do them.  That's the way I found works for me.  Good luck.  Anything is worth a try.

  • alberich35
    858 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 9:49 AM

    It's time for the gadget CEO to go back where he went or at least a C-level member to be fired.

    Except in public administration I have never seen such a mess.


  • echo06
    103 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 10:07 AM

    pareil en France

  • DAD111
    582 Posts
    Sat, Sep 5 2015 2:49 PM


    I've only been able to watch the odd numbers for a month. (Hiya)

    Hiya Courteney. Great to hear from you! I hope all is well and TPC is being good to you.

    I also managed the odd numbers for a while, but these have stopped for the last 2 weeks. 

    Like others have posted here, I've been through all the variations in trying the vids, but to no avail. I managed 1 view an hour ago (number 3). 

    Sometimes the first black box will appear on the right, but no video. Clicking on the 'exit' button doesn't work. I've refreshed the page 20 odd times but still no joy. I plan on posting here daily on how many views I can get...if any...

    I'm hoping others will do the same, just to let WGT know the extent of the problem.

    It may be that the carousel will become redundant in time. If that's the case, why doesn't WGT just tell us? All in all, I've spent over an hour today trying these vids.

    Surveys are a hit and a miss in my area, so the carousel was at least a small but certain source of income. We'll see what happens, but I won't hold my breath....