Let's see... forum notifications... thread replies... quote... emails.... oh, freaking please.
When you look at the total number of accounts on this site, or even the number of actual accounts that play the golf game, you will see that the number of people who regularly use these forums, will be IMHO less than 5% of the population. And that is being generous.
Now, this may sound strange coming from me; someone who admittedly spends way, WAY too much time with the forums (easier to read than play golf while otherwise occupied with stupid little annoyances like earning a living)... but the forum chnages should be FAR FAR FAR down the list of things to do... like, I don't know, even further than which caterer should WGT hire for their 10th anniversary party.
Please don't waste the valuable programming time needed to make ANY changes to these (obviously flawed) forums, until the game is as close to 100% as humanly possible.
(BTW, WGT, I know of a really great Italian Place on Fillmore that caters... some of the best N'Figghiulata that you've ever had!!)