I myself am not a mouse-friendly person, but am a keyboard fanatic. If we could also shoot the ball using the keyboard only, that would suit me better than the current mouse-only method. But I'm not complaining.
As to draw & fade, I already posted my own suggestion to these forums on 24 July 2009 (see the quote below). My suggestion is to use the LEFT, RIGHT, UP and DOWN ARROW keys of the keyboard to generate draw, fade, top spin & back spin.
By all means, let there also be alternative (mouse) way of achieving these same things, but the idea of a second meter seems a bit complicated; and what could be easier than pressing 1 or 2 ARROW keys on your keyboard at the same time when you release the shot? If WGT also allowed us to release the shot with the CTRL key, for example, to serve as the alternative mouse-click, then simultaneously pressing these 3 keys: CTRL+LEFT ARROW+DOWN ARROW to generate a draw shot with back spin would be a piece of cake!
Right now, you need to drag the dot on the golf ball all the way down with your mouse to generate maximum back spin, and that definitely takes away a few seconds from your 90 seconds per shot limit. If the same effect could simply be achieved by pressing the DOWN ARROW key as your release the shot, this could speed up the game considerably, especially in multi-players.
Faterson:Or press the LEFT or RIGHT ARROW key on the keyboard simultaneously with the mouse-click, to generate draw/fade? Just an idea, saw this implemented in a tennis PC game, you could vary your shots & surprise your opponent with the direction of your shot in this way, even though the aim by itself was "dead center" or "straight ahead" by default, as it is in WGT.
UP and DOWN ARROW keys might also be used in this way to generate top spin & back spin, so we don't need to adjust this manually by dragging the dot on the golf ball. WGT has already implemented a great keyboard shortcut, SPACEBAR = ZOOM, why not more of them?