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RE: A month later and still having problems with the game

rated by 0 users
Thu, Sep 29 2016 1:36 PM (10 replies)
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  • AceVonLobo
    17 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 6:41 PM

    Wrote about being unable to play more than one hole at a time a month ago! I mean how long does it take? Is it a problem on my end? WGT's end, or what?

    As it stands now, rather than hit continue and go to the next hole. I have no continue button to click, it got covered by an ad that I believe used to be below or above those buttons. I have to close out the game window and it's like losing your signal.

    I tried the 'zoom in, zoom out' method, works but comes with it's own problems. I can sometimes see a continue button, but when I hit it, I can't see the power meter on the next screen.

    This is a great game, it's a shame what it's becoming.


  • BruceAN
    42 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 6:55 PM

    Select Ctrl on keyboard and use scroll on your mouse.  That will move the ad banner until you see the continue button.  That is the WGT interim fix.  It is one problem, however, there are so many more.  Good luck.

  • borntobesting
    9,779 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 7:04 PM


    Wrote about being unable to play more than one hole at a time a month ago! I mean how long does it take? Is it a problem on my end? WGT's end, or what?

    As it stands now, rather than hit continue and go to the next hole. I have no continue button to click, it got covered by an ad that I believe used to be below or above those buttons. I have to close out the game window and it's like losing your signal.

    I tried the 'zoom in, zoom out' method, works but comes with it's own problems. I can sometimes see a continue button, but when I hit it, I can't see the power meter on the next screen.

    This is a great game, it's a shame what it's becoming.


    I'm sure someone told you a month ago. There is a simple solution but obviously you didn't do it! 

    Install Adblock. Adblock = no ads. With no ads there is nothing to cover the continue button. That is unless you have an adware virus on your PC. Because even without any type of ad blocker I have never had an ad cover the continue button in the almost 7 years that I have been on here. Just in case run some sort of adbot killer. 


  • SashaTheSkirt
    381 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 7:53 PM

    You used to be able to push the {X) button on top of scorecard rt top corner and move to next hole. Haven't tried it in awhile but give it a try.

  • garyk49
    2,333 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2016 7:56 PM

    Also, I posted awhile back that the show all worked much better then the zoom function.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 3:11 AM

    It would appear that it's not only WGT who are slow


  • Pingkin
    512 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 3:06 PM

    It's all going beyond a joke.WGT need to fix this issue now.I have the same problem with ads blocking continue.I tried Adblock but then i get a jerky meter all the time so this is no fix.I'm rapidly losing interest even tho i recently hit tour legend and was looking forward to a new challenge.WGT has become a challenge just to get a round in.Work around soloutions are not good enough .Remove finger from butt WGT and do something.

  • PhilEStein
    1,269 Posts
    Mon, Sep 26 2016 11:24 PM


    It's all going beyond a joke.WGT need to fix this issue now.I have the same problem with ads blocking continue.I tried Adblock but then i get a jerky meter all the time so this is no fix.I'm rapidly losing interest even tho i recently hit tour legend and was looking forward to a new challenge.WGT has become a challenge just to get a round in.Work around soloutions are not good enough .Remove finger from butt WGT and do something.

    Of course an easier solution, or soloution, might be for you to remove your finger and find an ad blocking prog that works for you rather than bump your gums abusing others. There are more than a hundred to choose from and just to get you started here's a few.


  • Pingkin
    512 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 1:37 PM

    Sorry for my little spelling mistake which you decided to correct.I would like to correct you as i am not abusing anyone.Merely getting ever more frustrated with a game thatts getting ever more unreliable.You seem to be one of those grammer police types who feel they should stand up for WGT,who cant be bothered to reply themselves.As for the many free programs that may be used to block ad's ..many come with there own spy/malaware or even viruses.I have tried a few over the years.I tried the one everyone raves about and found it not to be of use.Maybe it's because i still use firefox.Regardless this game is in need of some serious attention to make it playable again whomever you may stand up for.I didnt have an issue before the last update..I do now.Whats changed some dopey programming and no fault i dont think so.So yep get thy finger out and fix it this year prefferably a solution please.Not a work around!

  • PaulTon
    10,731 Posts
    Tue, Sep 27 2016 6:01 PM

    So yep get thy finger out and fix it this year prefferably a solution please.Not a work around!

    Dream on.

    Meanwhile in the real world, download Maxthon browser, it comes with an adblocker built in, works perfectly.

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