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we need legend tier split into 2 tiers.

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Tue, Oct 11 2011 3:48 AM (71 replies)
  • greatwhitedale
    307 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 8:06 AM

    the real legends who just battle there way to scores of 62- 66 avg then there are the ones shooting 54-57, hmmmmm massive diffrence, thats like asking a pro or amateur to play head to head with a tour master......... plz look at some extra tiers please wgt, pretty please :-), perhaps once a legend lowers there avg past 62 or 61 again they go into another tier, called > SUPREME LEGEND . ?????????

  • SgtDoodles
    3,112 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 8:18 AM

    That would create more sandbagging. Legends with 62 averages would start sandbagging to avoid this "Supreme Legend" tier.

  • piztaker
    5,743 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 8:19 AM

    ... or MEGALEG!!!!

  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 9:43 AM

    How many friggin' levels do we need?

    It didn't matter when we had 2 levels or 4. It doesn't matter now.... and it wouldn't matter if we had 50 levels- there will ALWAYS be upper and lower skilled players within a tier.

  • Reaytj
    114 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 9:54 AM

    C'mon man.!  A legend has earned his status. i have played against legends who have an average near 70. Guess what!., they play very, very well!

    They know the shots, and can beat anybody at any given time.  My hats off to them making their tier!

  • bettis271
    1 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 10:13 AM

    we need a better swing animation that will make me feel better. and also a way to earn credits in game without having to spend to get them like a jackpot spin once or twice a day or something!! or once u get a  birdie u get a spin etc you know?

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 10:32 AM

    While it is an honor to play in the top tier, I admit I got there through longevity and the ratcheting nature of the average calculations. Those of us whose natural stroke averages hover just a couple of strokes below par are in a different league from the ones with sub-60 averages.

    WGT has always suggested that they could create more tiers, but it is probably more a matter of saturation of players at any given level. As there now appear to be fewer than 2000 Legends, it does not seem we are at that point.

    If and when, the sub-60 folks can have:


    and leave the rest of us as


  • LizzieRossetti
    1,545 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 10:55 AM


    You can have another legend tier later, AFTER I get there.

    What we really need is a tier for the invisibles. This could be a tier that leads to a back door where doormen take them to one side and give them a tour of the alley with their own clubs. 

    Lizzie xx

  • TheAceFactor
    2,147 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 11:49 AM


    That would create more sandbagging. Legends with 62 averages would start sandbagging to avoid this "Supreme Legend" tier.

    This is assuming that a large % of Legends have a lack of class and pride for what they've accomplished , which is far from an accurate  statement.



  • lvietri
    3,326 Posts
    Sun, Sep 25 2011 1:10 PM

    As long as WGT continues to use this silly average system (which is not an average at all) .... they will have issues with "legends".    I was put in the legend tier last Sept when it was created.   My "average" was 68.9.    In just over a year .. i've reduced my "average" to 64.59.   Why ? Not because I shoot better ... but they only count the lowest scores.   So when they do a tournament from the Red or Gold tees ... and you can shoot 60 or lower ... your "average" goes down.    Over time my average will be below 60... in fact over time ALL legends will be below 60 ...And I'm not shooting scores any better than I did a year ago.  

    Time for WGT to revamp their avg calculation into some type of WGT Handicap.    And time for them to include Match Plays in their tier advancement calculation.