Hello, I am working on little handy tool called WGT Caddy. It has few interresting features and more features will be added in the future...

This tool is very useful especialy in short game, i.e. putting, chipping and pitching, where distance control is crucial, but even approch shots are much easier with this tool...
EDIT: According to the WGTalex's last post in this thread, as much as I understand, WGT Caddy is fuly compliant with WGT Terms of Service. And there is no need to worry about WGT Caddy interference with the swing meter performance, WGT Caddy is very small .NET application doing absolutely nothing in the background, I am using it by my self and it works great. Most problems related to WGT performance (swing meter lagging) are in used technology, ie. flash application running under browser process...
Download new version on WGT.OVER.CZ.
To WGTalex: PLEASE do not delete my link again and again, I am doing nothing WRONG!!!