Wow that would really suck if videos didn't :l
Anyway, anytime I do a survey now I get directed to this SSI verify page everyy timmee saying I can't complete for these strange reasons. Anyone else got this before? I think it might of happened because on the "daily survey" one it was automatically on the us and i click it too fast instead of changing to Canada so then I just decided to fake everything and now I get that SSI message with the 4 reasons why I can't complete the surveys.. :l
This is the message:
Thank you for your interest in participating in our surveys. Unfortunately we are unable to record your participation in this survey due to one or more of the following reasons:
- You or someone else using the same computer has already participated in this survey.
- The country under which you are registered does not match the location of the computer you are currently using.
- Sometimes, if interviews are rushed through they can't be used and you may not be eligible for the survey reward.
- Our security system detected that someone using this computer engaged in irregular activity