I'm about to lose my mind with this putting, particularly within 10 feet & mostly near holes with moderate to hard breaks.
I am not kiddin,,i lose about7, 8, or 9 strokes from putts missed within 12 ft..lol, and I'm about to really just say to hell with it, it's absolutely no FUN, at all to miss all these stupid $%%*'ed gimme's.
Yeah I have all the putters,,yeah I've putted lots of rounds with them. Yeah I've tried hammering it,,,missing the ding on purpose to a fade or hook to nail the break line.
The best I can manage is low 60's rarley & it's because of this *&*%^ damned putting! SHORT ONES!
I guess I ranted long enough,,yeah I use the low level Spider, for the guys with Terretts like me lol whatever.
I don't know what to hell anyone is supposed to suggest lol,,I gotta skin this cat on my own I suppose lol.
I putt these greens from memory & I know the break line &speed,,,I'm not that big of a dummy(debatable)
Anyhow that's the nut meats on my putting woes. lol