If you look back at the first sub-50 round, though, it never would have happened if the player hadn't restarted a ton of times in one day.
Well we have too few data to draw definitive conclusions about that but the current fact contradict a bit what you are saying.
I agree that the very first 49 done Runwme (Don) was achieved after tons of restart, he told us. But I don't see any problem there. He wanted to achieve something extraordinary. He put a lot of effort to achieve that (no much players would play 30 hours during 1 week-end for that purpose). He was able to achieve what he wanted to do thanks to his tenacity. I respect that a lot. In real life too you need to put much effort to get what you want.
On the other hand, we got to oher 49 within a very short time (1-2 weeks). The second one was done by Dansamcam (Dan). I know the man, I really doubt he did many restart to achieve that. Finally the last one was done by Bolloxinbruges (Sam). It was during a single play tournament. Consequently, it just proves that you don't need to restart to post such a low score.
I agree that low score happen less often in single than in unlimited, but they happen. Moreover, they are very few top players who use tons of restart.
Now that perhaps different for those who are at the limit of the cut (for a qualifier for example). Those players might play a lot in order to qualify. But once again, if you are willing to put a lot of effort to reach your goal, I don't see where is the problem. At the end of the day, you just get what you deserve.
In real life, in many aspect, luck play a role (you sometime just need to be at the right place at the right moment for things to happen, without too much effort). But in our context, you have totally the control of what is happening, it's just a question to put enough effort into it (and to be good enough). Now that just a game, and I understand that many players doesn't have time (or motivation, or both) to put much effort into this game. If I was less good, I would not try to death to qualify, because I don't have time for that.
Which is perfectly ok for a video game but not for the realism of golf WGT states it wants to achieve.
I agree that unlimited tourney format is not the best format. I used to like it long ago, but that's boring now. I would not have problem if instead of unlimited you would have like 10 attempts (or 5 or something along this line) and your best score among those attempts is the one that counts.
But unlimited tourneys, especially for qualifier, favor lesser player (I don't like this terminology, but english is not my mother tongue, so I do not know how to say it with other words). A strong player have a higher probability to post a low score when he starts a round than a lesser player. Consequently, a lesser player needs, in average, to play more rounds to post a low score. Limiting the number of rounds would favor strong player even more I think. The cut would be higher for sure, but that wouldn't be simpler for lesser players.
It's hard enough already. Like real courses are limited by real estate,
this game becomes a lot more unrealistic and less fun if they have to
start moving the tees back to another time zone and make the greens play
like an ice hockey rink.
That's what I am thinking too. The game is hard enough for the vast majority of players. Making it harder will just bring more frustrations. Those who complain now and ask for harder game will be those who will suffer the most for that. They will then come back in the forum to complain even more :) .