This deviation thing is silly. It is not the lucky few. It is the few that pay attention, clear their caches, use chrome, have the newest computers, and don't have a ton of things running while playing...and then hit the ding!
The VEM doesn't care whether your cache is cleared, nor which browser you run, nor whether you are using an HP or a Samsung..
The VEM is an equal opportunity beast which will deviate your shot when it wants, and where it wants..
Actually, I have actually noticed that my deviations are smaller when the cache is cleared and I'm using chrome...
I like VEM-it makes up for the fact that lies (like uphill, downhill, sidehill) are not put into WGT...and it makes up for the fact that there are no random pitchmarks on the green-and no hardpan in the fairways that affects your shot, and all greens are the same speed and firmness (within the course), and uphill/downhill is shown exactly, and you get an exact yardage! These things (lies, pitchmarks, hardpan, different greens, slope, and yardage) are normal IRL, and VEM takes them out of play for a simpler game environment...not to mention dirty clubs, tee height, etc.
WGT community opposed to VEM-Quit whining, suck it up, and accept the fact that it positively impacts the gameplay. If you guys want it gone, there would probably be about 5 more things to adjust before you hit...making it harder and making multiplayer games a REAL drag!!!