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Re: Suggestion regarding "cheaters"

rated by 0 users
Mon, Jul 2 2012 6:00 PM (28 replies)
  • Grandelf
    588 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 6:08 AM

    I must say yes, it WAS necessary, I haven't the answer to the problem yet feel the issue cannot be addressed too many times until it's handled. In many ways a quitter IS a cheater.  I see these ultra low averages and know many that quit so it isn't on their score history. How many show a low average that really wasn't earned?

    So, there's my two cents....

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 7:57 AM


    I see these ultra low averages and know many that quit so it isn't on their score history. How many show a low average that really wasn't earned?

    Each low average is honestly earned! That is because all the high score vanish from the average when more good scores are posted. The intermediate phase of floating average can be ignored in this discussion - it just don't matter too much.

    So, if someone quits to avoid a high score, he may avoid a temporary rise in average but after the minimum number of rounds such score would be kicked out of the equation anyway, being replaced by better scores which then lower the average.

    And, what kind of cheat do you see in a low average?

    The player openly shows that he plays well and eventually will rise in tier.

  • genorb
    1,255 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 10:22 AM

    Hi Richard,


    Why can't all disconnects be viewed as the same? If a player disconnects continually, even if it isn't their fault, then who would want to play that person anyway? 

    To explain my point just take an example.

    Imagine you have a friend who is losing connection one time every two rounds. And this guys plays alternatively against 14 friends, one per day.

    So each friend will play this guys 2 times per month more or less. Because he loses connection every two round, each of his friend will experience 1 disconnection per month from this guys. So that's not at all a problem from a practical point of view (even if the game cannot continue after he disconnects). This guys is not very boring with his disconnection and his friends will continue to play him. At least I would because I have already friends almost in this situation, and my internet connection can be crapy sometime.

    But now what the statistics will show? They will show that this guys disconnects 50% of the time. So nobody will play him.

    That example is just to show that statistics can look bad whereas, from a practical point of view, the situation is not that bad.

    I rarely play a round (match play or alt shot game) without experiencing at least one disconnection (from me or from my friends), especially those days with flash crashing all the time.


  • Courtney01
    912 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 1:15 PM


    Hi Richard,


    Why can't all disconnects be viewed as the same? If a player disconnects continually, even if it isn't their fault, then who would want to play that person anyway? 

    To explain my point just take an example.

    Imagine you have a friend who is losing connection one time every two rounds. And this guys plays alternatively against 14 friends, one per day.

    So each friend will play this guys 2 times per month more or less. Because he loses connection every two round, each of his friend will experience 1 disconnection per month from this guys. So that's not at all a problem from a practical point of view (even if the game cannot continue after he disconnects). This guys is not very boring with his disconnection and his friends will continue to play him. At least I would because I have already friends almost in this situation, and my internet connection can be crapy sometime.

    But now what the statistics will show? They will show that this guys disconnects 50% of the time. So nobody will play him.

    That example is just to show that statistics can look bad whereas, from a practical point of view, the situation is not that bad.

    I rarely play a round (match play or alt shot game) without experiencing at least one disconnection (from me or from my friends), especially those days with flash crashing all the time.



    I am one of those players, Our internet is really bad I can go weeks without an issue then go a few games with big issues loading. I have not Been a great Loader and many who have played with me understand this. Some Internets are just not the same as yours. Now knowing this I have Friends who still play with me even when my connection is terrible. So its more and Understanding, If you don't like slow connections or Disconnections then Deal with it your Own way. WGT will never make a rule for This for one fundamental reason, DC happen to everyone here for one reason or the other, If by chance you have never had a DC then good on you and your internet send it my way.

    There are many of us who Do love the game and still Try to play even with Bad connections..



    Happy Golfing


  • aceydeucey
    504 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 1:44 PM

    How about this.... 1 disconnect can be erased by 2 completed rounds.  

  • andyson
    6,415 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 2:26 PM


    Imagine you have a friend who is losing connection one time every two rounds. And this guys plays alternatively against 14 friends, one per day.

    So each friend will play this guys 2 times per month more or less. Because he loses connection every two round, each of his friend will experience 1 disconnection per month from this guys. So that's not at all a problem from a practical point of view (even if the game cannot continue after he disconnects).

    OR each of his friends will say "Not playing him anymore, he disconnects half the time!"

  • Blade7658
    452 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 4:33 PM

    But now what the statistics will show? They will show that this guys disconnects 50% of the time. So nobody will play him.


    Easy - show the raw numbers with the percent. 1 of 2, no big deal. Completes 40 of 50, not going to play him.

  • Masterius
    33 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 4:55 PM


    Imagine you have a friend who is losing connection one time every two rounds. And this guys plays alternatively against 14 friends, one per day.

    That example is just to show that statistics can look bad whereas, from a practical point of view, the situation is not that bad.

    Two things regarding someone who could potentially have statistically high disconnects:

    1. If I'm friends with that person, then I'm already aware of his/her connectivity issues, I'm willing to accept and deal with them, and seeing a high number of disconnects would mean nothing to me.
    2. If I'm not friends with a potential player, I'd see quite a few disconnects listed for them.  Here's where the decision could be made:
      • if they have a high number of disconnects, but also a high ratio of likes to dislikes (or, alternatively as has been pointed out, very minimal dislikes), I can assume that their disconnections are based upon connectivity issues, and not due to bailing out because they are having a bad game, or are impatient with the other players, etc.  I, personally, would still elect to play rounds with them.
      • if they have, in addition to the high disconnects, also a high number of dislikes, that would be indicative of a poor sport, and/or cheater, etc.  


  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Mon, Jul 2 2012 6:00 PM

    personally i've lost count of how many times i've had to forfeit alt shot matches while being 2 or 3 holes up (but it's well over 150+) cause either the other team's player got dc'd....or both got dc'd...or even my playing partner got dc'd.....hell.....i've been in so many games that all 4 players got dc'd at the same all 4 players isp's went booty up at the same time?  all 4 players decided to quit at same time? NAH!

    too many times when you return to the game lobby the "continue to game" button does nothing....that option is frozen and only option that does work is "forfeit" or wait 5 minutes to see who's forfeiting the match i just forfeit cause the stats are now goofed up beyond belief anyway.

    until WGT can fix such issues with this game....dc's are not conclusive proof of anything, letalone someone doing it on purpose.

    hit the report issue button? i did that for around 3 months but gave up chasing rainbows.

    i avoid suspect quitters by playing only with folks on my friend's list.

    just sayin'
