Hi Richard,
Why can't all disconnects be viewed as the same? If a player disconnects continually, even if it isn't their fault, then who would want to play that person anyway?
To explain my point just take an example.
Imagine you have a friend who is losing connection one time every two rounds. And this guys plays alternatively against 14 friends, one per day.
So each friend will play this guys 2 times per month more or less. Because he loses connection every two round, each of his friend will experience 1 disconnection per month from this guys. So that's not at all a problem from a practical point of view (even if the game cannot continue after he disconnects). This guys is not very boring with his disconnection and his friends will continue to play him. At least I would because I have already friends almost in this situation, and my internet connection can be crapy sometime.
But now what the statistics will show? They will show that this guys disconnects 50% of the time. So nobody will play him.
That example is just to show that statistics can look bad whereas, from a practical point of view, the situation is not that bad.
I rarely play a round (match play or alt shot game) without experiencing at least one disconnection (from me or from my friends), especially those days with flash crashing all the time.