Masterius: It would, however, enable players to gain a more balanced and overall perspective of a potential opponent.
It would do nothing of the sort. For example, take the player that created many accounts and set up a CC, then entered (but didn't play) a CC tournament with each of them but only played the tournament with one single account so that that account won all the credits They each 'Like' each other. they will all look 'Like'able, but we all know that person is a cheat.
Liking and disliking is child's play and doesn't really do much in the real world.
As all the CC tournaments I've played have been solo games I've no idea how multiplayer ones work. However, if I understand you correctly what you're saying is that someone conceivably could create a 100 person CC, then create 100 different accounts, and have each of those accounts join said CC. Once there, 99 of them could 'like' the 100th.
I suppose that's do-able but, at the very least, said person would have to be logged on at the same time with two different accounts, and playing a minimum of two different players against each other in the same game for that to work. Again, that's definitely a do-able thing for a computer geek ::smiles::. But it's also quite a bit of work involved there, too. Still, thank you for the input.
I also don't understand why you would be concerned about tracking disconnects inpractice rounds. It's practice and thus it's unofficial.
A few times a week I'll kill a little time while waiting for the rest of the family to get ready to go somewhere. I start solo practice rounds simply because I may not have time for a full game.
Others use practice rounds for just that: practice. Work on certain aspect of their games for as many holes as it takes to get comfortable and when they're ready, quit the practice round and play an official competition that counts. You want to penalize people for practicing?
No. Actually srellim234, tracking disconnects while in a practice game would be beneficial than penalizing. If someone disconnects mostly or equally in practice as they do in scored than that should be an indicator of connectivity issues rather than quitter/cheater ones.
Skimmed a bit but 2 things:
1. What about after a player disconnected? You say a "have the option in-game" but if a guy disconnects then he's no longer there, so how am I supposed to dislike him, that doesn't help catch disconnecters at all.
2. It's also pointless to have it on their profile page since when you're in a game lobby, you can't even view player profiles. You'd have to open a new window, find the player, and then say "oh they have a bunch of dislikes hmmm"
Both are excellent points! Thank you for the feedback.
As for #1, I was picturing disconnections being automatically tracked by the game system. However, you should still be able to like or dislike that player since (at least from personal observations) even when they disconnect you can still click on their player name (at least until the hole is played out).
As for #2, you're absolutely correct. Stats such as these would, by necessity, require them being present on the player banner in the game lobby. Having them also on a profile would be nice, but not as important as in the game lobby.