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Re: Arrangement of players in alternate shot play

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Wed, Oct 24 2012 9:47 AM (17 replies)
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  • gsoup
    2,929 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 9:05 AM

    or you can also have the little guy driving the ball to wave as you fly by

  • Ducati916
    1,116 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 9:09 AM


    So, if Corey Pavin plays alt shot with John Daly and they challenge Tom Kite and Bubba Watson, you are saying there is a disadvantage?  Only if the teams line up Corey and Tom vs Bubba and John.  And, Corey and Tom would take umbrage with you saying they have the disadvantage.

    There is a huge disadvantage in that...if the beer cart is on the course.....I think Daly understands "alternate shot" to be a drinking game.

  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 9:14 AM

    What you are asking to do is kill the alt shot strategy.

    The creator of the game goes first, that is set by WGT.  After that the creator picks his partner.  To offset that the other team is allowed to set who tees off first, that is about as fair as it can get.

    As far as tees, the real disadvantage goes to the lesser player who has to hit his second shots from where the shot from the better player stops, in the case of a legend the partner is generally playing from 30 to 80 yards further out, but the other team has the same issue.  I actually like it when it is mixed so that different tiers tee off on each hole, makes it more fun.

    It's just a game meant to be fun.

  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 9:38 AM

    the problems lie with sandbagging lower tiers that dont play ranked games. have the same equipment as legends do. i played a tour pro the other day in lt shot level 93 im 92 with equipment same as mine. i clicked alt shot join legend + but other legend must have invited his tour pro for the advantage. this is what makes it unfair. even with the ringer they still lost. all this equipment wasnt available to me comming up in the ranks. just shows how greedy wgt has become. how about some legend only nike balls wgt !!!!!!!

  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 10:25 AM


    So, if Corey Pavin plays alt shot with John Daly and they challenge Tom Kite and Bubba Watson, you are saying there is a disadvantage?  Only if the teams line up Corey and Tom vs Bubba and John.  And, Corey and Tom would take umbrage with you saying they have the disadvantage.

    Apples and oranges, my friend.  All those players are in the same league.  Legend and TM players are in different tiers and play from different tees.

  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 10:32 AM


    What you are asking to do is kill the alt shot strategy.

    The creator of the game goes first, that is set by WGT.  After that the creator picks his partner.  To offset that the other team is allowed to set who tees off first, that is about as fair as it can get.

    As far as tees, the real disadvantage goes to the lesser player who has to hit his second shots from where the shot from the better player stops, in the case of a legend the partner is generally playing from 30 to 80 yards further out, but the other team has the same issue.  I actually like it when it is mixed so that different tiers tee off on each hole, makes it more fun.

    It's just a game meant to be fun.

    But if selection is done on the first tee, later tees might be totally different so that one selection is hardly fair later down when the holes change.  If you have 2 TMs and 2 legends teamed up so that there is 1 of each on a team, it could not be any more fair than to have the 2 TM's teeing off from the same tees.  Anything else defeats the idea of "FUN" that you speak of.



  • patrickmar
    245 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 11:10 AM

    how about a tour pro level level 93 with all the equipment you have and you clicked to play legends + . myself i play my tier and above

  • TarheelsRule
    5,610 Posts
    Wed, Oct 24 2012 9:47 AM

    I guess that I don't understand the process that you are going through to select players.

    When I set up a game and have three players join, I know I will have to tee off first, that is just how it works.  If I have first pick, which I do I can take any of the other three players no matter what their level is.  If for example I am in this game with 2 Masters and another Legend, I would generally split the teams so that we have 1 of each on each team.  It then is up to the other team to set their order, if they chose to play from a different sequence than me Legend 1, Master 2.................they go Master 1, Legend 2, it will generally even out over the 9 holes.

    That being said there are a few nines that you would want to play in a specific way because of par 3's, par 5's etc. but over a couple of dozen rounds I can't see that it makes that big a difference.  I only play alt shot for fun and while I play some round with fellow legends, I also join games with all tiers Tour Pro and above, I actually enjoy seeing how a tour pro deals with a shot at Kiawah that he would be hitting from 90 yards that is now 190.

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