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Arrangement of players in alternate shot play

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Wed, Oct 24 2012 9:47 AM (17 replies)
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  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 4:43 PM

    If there are teams consisting of different tiers, how about allowing the players to be arranged so that equal players tee off against each other rather than a Legend tee off against a Tour Master, when the other team has the same level players.

  • b0geybuster
    2,574 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:05 PM


    If there are teams consisting of different tiers, how about allowing the players to be arranged so that equal players tee off against each other rather than a Legend tee off against a Tour Master, when the other team has the same level players.

    There lies the strategy for alternate shot. 




  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:20 PM

    As well as the blatant unfairness.  Also, it is no strategy at all if WGT chooses in which order the players tee off.




    If there are teams consisting of different tiers, how about allowing the players to be arranged so that equal players tee off against each other rather than a Legend tee off against a Tour Master, when the other team has the same level players.

    There lies the strategy for alternate shot. 





  • jeffdos924
    1,085 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:49 PM

     You're talking TM & Legend v. a TM & Legend, right?

     Where exactly is the unfairness? The "advantage" goes to the TM on every hole, so it evens out.

     And as far as that goes, that TM really only has an advantage on a handful of holes.

  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 5:57 PM


     You're talking TM & Legend v. a TM & Legend, right?

     Where exactly is the unfairness? The "advantage" goes to the TM on every hole, so it evens out.

     And as far as that goes, that TM really only has an advantage on a handful of holes.

    Really any combination where partners tee off from different tees.  The unfairness lies in those handful of tees where the TM enjoys a severe yardage difference.  As you say, it is only on a handful of holes, but that could be an extreme advantage.  Some holes there is as much as 100 yard advantage.  If you have two teams where there is a L and TM, it would be much more fair to have the TM's tee off together and the Legends do so as well.

  • rjs1969
    196 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 8:19 PM

    Ok Spit.  After you pick your partner. the other team  gets to pick, who tee's off first for their team.  RIGHT? You are allowed to chat with the others before starting the game.  Make the suggestion at that time. Legend vs Legend. Tm vs Tm.  If the other players do not agree. BOOT THEM.

  • spitlist
    119 Posts
    Sun, Oct 21 2012 11:10 PM


    Ok Spit.  After you pick your partner. the other team  gets to pick, who tee's off first for their team.  RIGHT? You are allowed to chat with the others before starting the game.  Make the suggestion at that time. Legend vs Legend. Tm vs Tm.  If the other players do not agree. BOOT THEM.

    I have never seen any ability to choose who goes first.  Every game I have played it just goes into the partner selection process and the affirmation then starts the game.  Maybe I have overlooked something.



  • brysoni23
    693 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 2:28 AM

    I think if you create the alt game you will take the 1st shot from the tee. but you choose your playing partner out of a possible 3.

    The other team is allready decided so they get the choice of who tees off first.


  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 2:32 AM


     You're talking TM & Legend v. a TM & Legend, right?

     Where exactly is the unfairness? The "advantage" goes to the TM on every hole, so it evens out.

     And as far as that goes, that TM really only has an advantage on a handful of holes.

    Totally agree - the TM has the advantage off the tee over a Legend (assuming similar equipment to which they usually will have) everytime they tee off. I can acept this in AS as it is primarily a fun sociable game, but when it comes to MP, they should tee off from the same tees, especially in light of the new average system. And I am a TM. I would love to see Tiger Woods face if I said, sorry mate, I tee off from 200 yards in front of you.

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Mon, Oct 22 2012 8:59 AM

    So, if Corey Pavin plays alt shot with John Daly and they challenge Tom Kite and Bubba Watson, you are saying there is a disadvantage?  Only if the teams line up Corey and Tom vs Bubba and John.  And, Corey and Tom would take umbrage with you saying they have the disadvantage.

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