I guess that I don't understand the process that you are going through to select players.
When I set up a game and have three players join, I know I will have to tee off first, that is just how it works. If I have first pick, which I do I can take any of the other three players no matter what their level is. If for example I am in this game with 2 Masters and another Legend, I would generally split the teams so that we have 1 of each on each team. It then is up to the other team to set their order, if they chose to play from a different sequence than me Legend 1, Master 2.................they go Master 1, Legend 2, it will generally even out over the 9 holes.
That being said there are a few nines that you would want to play in a specific way because of par 3's, par 5's etc. but over a couple of dozen rounds I can't see that it makes that big a difference. I only play alt shot for fun and while I play some round with fellow legends, I also join games with all tiers Tour Pro and above, I actually enjoy seeing how a tour pro deals with a shot at Kiawah that he would be hitting from 90 yards that is now 190.