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Re: If you had to choose R11's or New Bladez ???

Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:55 PM (44 replies)
  • josephk2317
    873 Posts
    Wed, Dec 26 2012 10:27 AM

    Actually did some research about them before getting them. They are somewhat like the old Burners but a new and improved set.  One review stated:

    launched higher, climbed higher, and provided extremely consistent distance.

     new iron boasts a thinner face that adds up to 10 COR points over the Burner 2.0, and a center of gravity that’s's 2.5mm lower than those same Burners. You would have to hit your ball with extreme top spin for them to not hit straight 

    Another partial review:

    The Rocketbladez is stupid easy to hit…and hit straight

    Unless you’re unearthing gophers (which I did a few times) there appears to be almost zero penalty for missing the center of the club face.

    Coming from level 59 G20's I like them a lot, just have to get use to a slightly faster meter speed. I could even ding them with the 10 credit one spin WGT balls if I concentrated on hitting the ding quickly.

  • RootsRo
    419 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 1:04 AM



    My R11 yardages are a bit different than lonnies the 8 iron is much shorter in my book with full bs. Here are mine. I average about 11 ft with these

    Wouldn't you say this depends on the ball you are using. For example with the Nike XL you are about 5 -6 feet longer than the numbers shown...


    This is with 71 nike X Balls

  • Steve2golf
    930 Posts
    Thu, Dec 27 2012 4:52 PM


    The 8I has been fine for me so far...

    Give it time :-)

    Ditto,  just wait and watch it sail through the headwind, over the trees and into the abyss.

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Mon, Dec 31 2012 4:13 PM

    I changed to the Bladz for a couple of weeks.   The meter speed on the R11's were getting too fast for me.

    Very good set of Irons (bladz), but I found they were lacking something, don't ask, not

    I was losing 1 or 2 shots a game using the Bladz.  Actually I found it hard to hit the ding with them, not sure why either.

    Bladz are a great set of clubs, but the R11's are the best for sure.

    I Finally decided to use my free pack of Max's that we got ages ago, instead of the Nikes that I use normally.   Using the R11's, the meter speed is like watch grass grow. Dinged every  Loss in distance didn't worry me (only a slight loss).... Meter speed is great for old bugga's like

    Game might get a bit more expensive for me


  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Tue, Jan 1 2013 6:55 PM

    Someone out there has to have a chart already made for us lazy people that are adjusting on the fly still.