saltiresfan:From what I hear they might take a wee while to dial in. I tend to use full backspin and minimise roll-out in my iron play but with the extra spin on the R11s I might have to change things around. Can't wait to get my hands on them though!
Yeah Sal (a wee while), I always played with full b/s too. It's hard to change the habit of a WGT lifetime !!
They took me 15 / 16 days to dial in to a yardage that I was comfortable to write in 'The Book' :)
But it's slowly dawning on me that spin applied is the biggest factor in yardage discrepancy ( especially in the damn 8i )
In the last week or so, I have been trying to play with as little spin as possible and find that they stop real good anyway.
Had em 7 / 8 weeks now, I'm a slow learner. :-)
You'll love em mate, guessing a shot a round after you've had them for a week.
GL Andy