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Re: Before anything else new

Sat, Dec 29 2012 2:49 PM (48 replies)
  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 7:11 AM

    Been following this for 3 days now.. seems to have run its course, pity.  v v funny. :-))

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 8:20 AM

    Thank you.  Yes and Yes.  It is not me disconnecting, it is when other players disconnect and then the game does not work right.  There is a problem with how the game handles players who drop out.  Programming, not hardware.

    Like you wgt has no control over other's peoples ISP disconnects and how often they do during a round nor do we have any control over wgt's.  Even the fastest ISP can get interference or modem/router glitches, some more than others. And yes even the mighty wgt can run into glitches with their internet routers. This problem can't be pinned on just the players systems or wgts alone. It is an unfortunate catch 22 at present. All we can do as players is try to keep our part of it running as efficiently as possible same as wgt. It will happen do to the nature of the global internet down to the equipment used for it, from  Net providers, atmospheric interference, poor coverage area, routing systems, Net browsers,  players to internet games sites etc. There can be a hiccup in any one of these to cause it.  Some will have more problems then others. There is no perfect system or complete fix at present no matter who you choose to blame.

    When it happens at present all they can do is kick everyone back to the lobby and allow time for that player to return. If it's too many times then they DQ them rightfully. It would be a royal pain if set otherwise and allowed to continue. How do you purpose they do it differently? If you have thoughts on how anything can be done differently and can lay those out, I am sure they would appreciate any input on better ideas .

    Are there glitches in sometimes not allowing someone back in with the continue button Etc....You bet ...I too would like to see a fix for that

    Or error Screens popping up in the middle of a game erroneously from time to time....yep same thing hope they get that fixed.

    Should bugs be fixed on their end...You bet thats where bug reports help.

    Complaining and arguing solves nothing, however if you have the knowledge and have concrete suggestions on how to fix something then that to me seems beneficial. 

    Just my long winded thoughts nothing more nothing less.

  • lencraddy
    1,927 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 8:32 AM

    Hi to all   I have just read through the post from the outset,and it brings into question an old saying   Bull--it Baffles Brains.

    I think in this case the Brains Baffled the Bull--it


    all the Best to Everyone    Len


  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 8:43 AM

    +1 to everything you say, OBR.

    And this...

    Some will have more problems then others.
    ... may lead to the conclusion that those overly affected should be cautious to enter money games.

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 9:35 AM

    YJ, sorry it got screwed around.  But please remember that I know what I know happened.  Ok before update, not ok after update.  Not a hardware or ISP issue, an update coding issue

    I never doubted what you saw. What I do doubt is the coding assertion. Were coding the issue a whole lot more would have the problem. Updates do not affect any aspect of my game performance so I have a hard time believing it's a coding issue. That, coupled with having experienced what you saw, tells me it's not the game. 

    1,189 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 1:25 PM


    Curious that you come on here, post what YOU perceive as a problem and then turn it into an assault on me.

    Because it had nothing to do with you in the first place. Second you blame me for something that I know is not my fault, and 3rd because you think you know everything and cant be wrong.  I dont like know it all people who dont think that they themselves cant be wrong.

    Drop it.

    Good day.

    Then you should really hate ME  ;-)

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 1:34 PM

    Then you should really hate ME  ;-)

    LOL. I liked the rest of it that you wisely deleted (staying classy thing.)   ;-)

  • mantis0014
    8,946 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 2:31 PM



    He doesn't want to hear that, Sting. It's WGT's fault.  

    Not trying to be a butt or anything, dont want to start an argument.  This started 4 or 5 weeks ago, more than enough time for WGT to fix it.


    It happens to me occasionally.... when somebody disconnects and then I get an 'unexpected error' message and I have to restart.  Only occasionally, not enough to worry me.

    Think back to 4 or 5 weeks ago when you say it started.   Did you do something the day before, did you load something on your Puter that might be causing the problem. Did you change something, anything.

    Something different must have happened a few weeks back to cause this problem.

    I've also blamed Wgt for things like this in the past.... it's only human nature I

    The more things we can do at our end, the better we can enjoy the game.

    There is not one fix for everybody, one thing will help me... the same thing won't help anybody else.

    Maybe it could be just a simple thing like... your modem was getting overheated and just needed a rest for awhile.

    Something happened a few weeks back to cause this problem.... you just have to think back and see what it was


  • ricktyler
    3 Posts
    Sat, Dec 29 2012 2:49 PM

    bravo..angels....and this is  for everyone thats beatin around yankeejims mixed up ball of maddness that he sees as knowledge,,,,STFU