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Re: Legend to Tour Legend

Fri, Jun 9 2017 3:16 AM (37 replies)
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 9:48 PM

    As one who is thiiiiiis close, I note that sometimes a 29 doesn't move me down at all, yet every now and again a 30 will. I guess it's having to juggle 400 scores that causes this.

    500. It's all down to percentages when you get close.
  • CanineSupervisor
    1,882 Posts
    Sun, Nov 23 2014 9:54 PM


    grind on!

    No need in this ' lets cater to the no grinders Era '

    TL tier going to be b.astardized.....

    ooh well...nothing we can do about that.


    Lol, Andy.

    It appears as though he's a St. A's and Kiawah Leg end, too. Wait until he gets the opportunity to play those on 13's... Lol !

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 24 2014 12:05 AM



    grind on!

    No need in this ' lets cater to the no grinders Era '

    TL tier going to be b.astardized.....

    ooh well...nothing we can do about that.


    Lol, Andy.

    It appears as though he's a St. A's and Kiawah Leg end, too. Wait until he gets the opportunity to play those on 13's... Lol !

    LOL, prob occurs when they're partnered with me on Oak...

    never mind the green speed

    Expecting a tight game and.......

    Ole ' red tee CC links boy' rocks up :((

    One of the things not many moaned about but were actually advocating ( more CC choices ), a good things in many ways but....

    If you hit off red tees and are a T Pro etc then it shouldn't count as ranked !!

    BIG default WGT ?




  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, Nov 24 2014 12:41 AM

    All yet another reason for that new tier IMHO.  Don't see anything wrong with a bit of common sense.  

    Please don't rush it though WGT, no point unless done properly with rolling averages from several courses etc all as discussed at length elsewhere.

    Not that you are rushing it I know as you are currently dialing The CC Event join ANCC as a Master and play for 24 hours straight with starter balls, 37 credits charge each round, non competitive farce.  Yep some dialing in there left to do for sure. 

    That rush for the fastest $ in the west possibly penny wise pound foolish WGT??

    As one who is thiiiiiis close, I note that sometimes a 29 doesn't move me down at all, yet every now and again a 30 will. I guess it's having to juggle 400 scores that causes this.

    Can be frustrating that large number pool when sooo close..At least when it does pop up you know you can play all courses, all conditions and won't be one of the paper planes buzzing around like fruit flies in an open door outback beer hole:)

    Anyway back to paper planes I did get reminded of the Quo.  Good music IMO even if their songs get a bit samey after not too long:

  • alcaucin
    9,041 Posts
    Mon, Nov 24 2014 1:17 AM

    All yet another reason for that new tier IMHO.

    Yup, sad but true...

    Please don't rush it though WGT, no point unless done properly with rolling averages from several courses etc all as discussed at length elsewhere.

    And wise words Jim, otherwise...

    We'll be re-hashing this next year !!


    Edit::: WGTs mantra ??   deeper and down :))

    3 chords working 4 decades on...:)

  • igolfdoyou1
    896 Posts
    Wed, Jan 11 2017 4:45 AM

    So what does one do when the requirements are met and you dont advance?Dance a jig?

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Sat, Jan 14 2017 3:47 AM

    The requirements are a 60.000 average and a minimum of 500 counting ranked rounds.

    Kudos for your brilliant 52 average.

    What about the no. of ranked rounds?


  • igolfdoyou1
    896 Posts
    Fri, Jun 9 2017 3:16 AM

    I don't think ill be threatening the 60 average ever Alosso unless a mouse takes over my account..BTW,the only difference between Legend and Tour Legend is a slight bump in green speed so im in no rush to get to Tour Legend.