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Legend to Tour Legend

Fri, Jun 9 2017 3:16 AM (37 replies)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 9:18 PM

    One big curiosity about the difference between Legend and Tour Legend tiers is that tournament scores seem always to be lower in the Legend tier than for the Tour Legend tier. I was under the impression that Legends hit from the longest tees. Do Tour Legends hit from an even longer tee box? If not that, why the consistent lower scores in Legend than Tour Legend? If both Legends and TLs are hitting from the same deep tee boxes, I'm eager to make Tour Legend as it looks like a tier in which I could better compete.

  • fatdan
    3,379 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 9:45 PM

    "Championship" greens for TL and a lot of the really good ones mostly play ready go tournaments

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 10:04 PM

    The tees are the same and you get used to the silly green speed fairly quickly on flat greens, but on some steeply sloping areas on certain greens. it becomes near impossible to get close with a long putt. I find myself playing short and flopping close on certain greens and that method tends to increase your scores and average.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 10:10 PM


    The tees are the same and you get used to the silly green speed fairly quickly on flat greens, but on some steeply sloping areas on certain greens. it becomes near impossible to get close with a long putt. I find myself playing short and flopping close on certain greens and that method tends to increase your scores and average.

    Okay -- So the tee boxes are the same (black -- Championship) for both Legends and Tour Legends. Are you saying that the green speed will ALWAYS be "Championship" speed for Tour Legends? That would help explain why tiered tournaments nearly always show lower scores for Ls than TLs as I'm at Legend and see tournaments at a wide variety of green speeds. Is that it? Always Championship speed greens for TLs?

  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 10:33 PM

    Is that it? Always Championship speed greens for TLs?
    Yes in ranked play / scored play / challenge. No in tournaments, if set differently by the authorities (including the tees).

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 10:58 PM

    Thanks Alosso. Alt-shot too. You can play most games in practice mode though which negates the silly speed.

  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Wed, Dec 25 2013 11:40 PM
    1. alosso:

      Yes in ranked play / scored play / challenge. No in tournaments, if set differently by the authorities (including the tees).

    Thanks for that clarification, alosso. But that leaves me to wonder. In open tournaments where the green speeds and apparenty even the tee boxes played are set by authorities, why the consistently lower scores for tournament leaders in Legend tier vs TL tier? At a glance, that would suggest that there are more talented shooters in Legend than TL. But you have to progress fom Legend to get to Tour Legend, which would suggest on the other hand that the TL tier would be the higher quality shooters. Beez me.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2013 3:41 AM

    But you have to progress fom Legend to get to Tour Legend, which would suggest on the other hand that the TL tier would be the higher quality shooters. Beez me.

    I think you are looking at it the wrong way.  Step back and think only of the qualification that is required to reach TL.  That qualification is that (excluding Bo P3/5) your BEST 500 RRs, shot in Legend tier, average 60. Some will do that sooner than others, some improve at different rates, and some are extremely experienced cream and so on.


  • alosso
    21,088 Posts
    Thu, Dec 26 2013 4:25 AM

    But you have to progress fom Legend to get to Tour Legend, which would suggest on the other hand that the TL tier would be the higher quality shooters. Beez me.
    Which they are usually.

    A random shot a few minutes ago, taking the active Ls and TL from the respective first page of the WGT players' list, shows these results:

    31 Tour Legends average to 59.26 with a max of 63.85,
    (full active population)

    50 Legends average to 66,59, max 76.
    (from more than 200 actives)
  • YankeeAirPirate
    124 Posts
    Fri, Dec 27 2013 9:50 AM

    Thanks again for that extra effort stats digging, alosso. I guess I just happened into 3 or 4 flukes when I compared top scores (TL vs L) in some Stroke Play tournaments. In the 3 or 4 tournaments I checked, the Legend tier leader was consistently at a lower score than the TL leader. Looked to be consistent but I'm thinking now I just got juked by passing judgement on such a small random sampling. Of course, my sense of urgency to "tier up" was that it appeared by that sampling that there was some ever-so slightly easier competition in TL vs the L tier where I currently reside, thus favoring my odds a tad in the money games. Belay that sense of urgency now.