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Re: It's not my computer..

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Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:50 PM (14 replies)
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  • phiber
    2,795 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 6:00 AM


    Many love using Maxthon for WGT and the great thing is it has a CPU meter inbuilt.

    I use Maxthon and smooth it is too......

    How do I access the inbuilt CPU meter Alan ?


    Edit: Sent u message

    Not Alan but all you have to do is click on the start button, type in gadgets, and you will see a cpu meter that you can put on your desktop to monitor the cpu activity as you play.  Make sure that after you open it, you right click on it, and select always on top, then select opacity, I have mine set for 40% so it is somewhat less distraction as I set up a shot.  I know this gadget is on Windows Vista, 7 and 8 but not too sure about XP or any earlier releases.

    I was always one of the first to blame WGT for my swing meter and it's strange activity, but I recently upgraded my computer.  I was playing on an older PC that had a single core processor and 4 gig of RAM and it did ok, but almost every day I would experience that same things you are seeing.  I upgraded to a very fast Workstation with a quad core processor, a 1.4 gig graphics card, and 8 gig of ram and I haven't seen the first stutter out of the meter since doing that.

    hope this helps


  • gr8flbob
    592 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 8:53 AM

    #2 Back door other versions of Flash into your current Maxthon

    Minor peeve, Obr: your use of 'hacker jargon' ... vas ist das 'backdoor'?  IMHO, you'd help more folks if you gave your (valuable!) advice in plain language - we're not all wizards out here, lol.

  • Oldbayrunner
    1,774 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:16 PM


    #2 Back door other versions of Flash into your current Maxthon

    Minor peeve, Obr: your use of 'hacker jargon' ... vas ist das 'backdoor'?  IMHO, you'd help more folks if you gave your (valuable!) advice in plain language - we're not all wizards out here, lol.

    Copy and paste a newer NPSWF32.dll   file version of flash from your windows system flash folder to the Maxthon npplugins folder. I've posted exactly how to do it a number of

    Currently I've changed to and am assessing, for my use, a 64 bit browser that was recommended by another player


  • borntobesting
    9,777 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:48 PM

    Copy and paste a newer NPSWF32.dll   file version of flash from your windows system flash folder to the Maxthon npplugins folder. I've posted exactly how to do it a number of


    One thing I do when I change the version like that is keep the older version in the recycle bin until I am sure the new version works well. If it does I then empty the recycle bin. If the new version doesn't work well then it is as simple as deleting the  new version and restoring the older version from the recycle bin. No hassle about uninstalling the new version and reinstalling the older version. 


    Currently I've changed to and am assessing, for my use, a 64 bit browser that was recommended by another player

    If you are talking about Water Fox it is indeed a very good browser for this game. However I have a minor issue with it. When you change the start up page to the game client it also changes the start up page for Fire Fox and my daughter uses Fire Fox as her main browser and had the start up page set to one of her favorite sites. I can't understand why it changes both. Comodo Ice Dragon is Firefox based as well and does not change the Fire Fox settings when I make changes to it. Not a major problem, just a minor annoyance.

  • oneputtdavid
    1,337 Posts
    Sat, Mar 2 2013 2:50 PM

    lets not forget how we all look good on the course. :) 

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