Talking of clusters and (not) VEMs:
Playing last night and NOT having a good time, ALL my putts were stupidly long and I was getting angrier and angrier, (which of course just made things worse). Then on one hole I had a 9 foot shot 2inches downhill but virtually no break set it up got the power perfect hit it, DING ................... went sailing 15foot past the hole. I went BESERK, shouting at the monitor, calling for painful deaths to all WGT employees, spitting feathers about VEM and life in general, thought screw this game and went to make a cup of tea.
Then I realised two things, ................. this tournament was set to my tier so I should have been dividing by 1.2 not 1.35 (as I had been earlier that day) for my putting distance (the whole round) and my crack Caddy had been handing me the 20foot increment not the 10.
Moral: VEM exists but more usually it's me being an idiot!