IRISHPUNK: I know it's not common to "thank" WGT but here goes...
I have to echo these words. I received ownership of my club by transfer many, many months ago and that transfer never came with full Owner options regarding our forum. I, too, contacted WGT a number of times and was given the same answer..."we know about it and our engineers are working on a fix". After researching the subject in the WGT Forums, I found that this problem existed as far back as a couple of years, so I decided to settle in for a long wait.
During that time, I received some of the most fantastic support from WGTicon, WGTgator and WGTdbloshoe when I needed moderating performed in my forum. They were always very quick to respond - KUDOS to you guys!
In addition, I always asked if a fix was going to happen soon, but they really could not nail down a date, only that the engineers were working on it. I realize that this little glitch is a "hit or miss" issue, affecting some transfers and not others. This kind of thing makes it exponentially difficult to track and troubleshoot!!!!
I even was at the point where I was considering a complete shut-down of my club and starting up a new one, re-inviting our then 180 members. I wasn't looking forward to it, but that was my last option. These guys I mentioned above, told me to hang on and wait for the next release, which happened at the end of Feb and sure enough, from one day to the next, I received all of my Owner options and can now fully moderate my forum.
IMOH - WGT support does NOT get the credit they deserve. Sure, it's easy to say they should hire more help and engineers, but let me tell you, from personal experience, these guys and gals are doing a bang-on job!
My suggestion to you, if anyone is still without their moderation abilities because the ownership was transferred to you, work with these guys. They know their stuff. Be patient, the engineers are doing the best they can and it appears that they are handling this glitch on a case by case basis. Hang in there.