Why do you want to give your CC away?? You tired of playing?? You say you got to tour master the old fashioned way and earned it.. But you are pissed cuz WGT wont give your CC to another.. HMM.. Why don't you EARN LEGEND and take a chill pill!! You wanting to get into another CC?? WTF?? Why did you start you CC in the first place if you don't want it anymore?????? Chill out!!!
You seem to have jumped to an awful lot of conclusions in less than 5 full lines. Nowhere did he say he wanted to give the CC away. Perhaps someone else needs to chill out.
I had the same problem in my old CC. We split the ownership duties between a few of us (not because any of us wanted to get rid of the CC), and from the beginning of this year, I was never able to transfer ownership back. I submitted a ticket to WGT, and they sent me a link that didn't work. I sent a reply back, and they never responded. I submitted another ticket more recently, and they never bothered to answer that one either.
Basically, you're stuck being owner until WGT can figure out how to charge you to transfer ownership. That's the only way they'll fix it.