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Tue, Jul 20 2010 10:04 PM (32 replies)
  • Lothoren
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 8:37 PM

    i started a couple of weeks ago and enjoyed it non stop lol.


    Made pro at the weekend. So that made me happy but im more than happy to stay where i am in the pro teir. so what if i get a bad round... like the +10 i got the other day. Its part of the game. So far out of the 3 weekly CTTH trnies i have entered i have placed in all of them.i have a nice gold trophy in my display cabinet for finishing 12th and 2 silver ones. I have had my bad rounds and my good rounds. Buts its all fun. now then where did i put my driver... got a date with Kiawah back 9.


    Have fun ppl and keep playing and smiling

  • drewsterinone
    190 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 8:41 PM

    Wow didn't expect four pages off whos having fun.. lol lol




  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 10:04 PM

    Didn't you say that you had kids Jake? Not to pry.. but I can only wonder what's more valuable to them; a $500 gift card or HOURS upon HOURS of lost time that could've been spent with their father? IDK. I guess that's up to you. It's an honest question.

    Very valid question.  Yes I have 2 boys.  Other than the time I spent while I was laid up recovering from surgery I never play WGT when the boys are awake.  I am with them playing and having fun every second I can.  These days could never be replaced and are far more valuable than smacking a virtual ball or bantering in the forums.  My normal hours on WGT are from about 9pm eastern until about midnight or a tad later about 5 nights a week.  Now as for spending time with the wife...that's an entirely different story.  She gets me 2 nights a week and got the gift card so everybody's happy I reckon.  LOL

    Swilling booze yes. Trying to be witty? No. I'm just very blunt. I speak my mind. It has nothing to do with wit. I find it remarkable how many "corporations", "enterprises", "dot coms", and even regular people have such an issue with other people simply expressing their right to free speech. It's extraordinary

    Know right what you mean there.  During my first 2 months in corporate America I was written up twice for doing just that (speaking my mind that is).  Did get into a spot of bother at a recent conference in Atlantis for the swilling booze thing but blamed that all on my Hulk Hogan costume.  :+) 9 years with the company and now they have me in a position as Senior Consultant where I get to speak my mind very freely trying to get troublesome franchisees in line.  Funny how things come full circle.  Keep speaking your mind brother, no offense taken here at all!  The world would be a much better place without hidden agendas.

    Now back to the original YES, I'm still having fun.   Just posted 62 in the Virtual Open and had the rare perfect meter.  5 whiffed putts inside 10 feet but only myself to blame for those.

    Well off to kiss the boys on the head and catch a few winks.