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Tue, Jul 20 2010 10:04 PM (32 replies)
  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 12:03 AM


    For me it just goes to show the faults in the "Tier" system. For your information I didn't quit on every bad round in order to rush to Master level, not knowing the system I made the mistake of playing the St Andrews front 9 (and having fun) far too much. Now I'm stuck in a wholly unjustified tier. You may find that "rather amusing" but maybe it says more about you than me.


    Seriously dude.  Talk about saying more about you than me.  I did the same exact thing last July playing the Bethpage front unlimited over and over.  Made master within 2 weeks.  I got the new equipment, learned the game and won my first stroke play tournament on WGT within my first month and a half.

    Moral of the story, if you want handouts, call Obama!  Think he has welfare plans for the UK too.  For those of us who like to actually achieve, then hard work and dedication come into the equation.

    Hard work and dedication?

    What exactly are we talking about here? LMAO!!

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 4:23 AM

    Bigfoot et al.,

    Attitude notwithstanding, here's hoping you stick around. There is a bit of a learning curve at the Master level, but it would be boring if there weren't. Having made Master a few weeks ago, I had a few frustrating rounds on my old favorite BPB, but now am pushing the scores back into the mid-60s where I was when I got out of Pro.

    Trying a Master driver, though, I found that for me, at this point, I could achieve more using my slow and trusted Rapture Pro clubs. This would probably be even more true for the Master iron sets, where each club gives you a few extra yards but in exchange I would have to fight for a ding on every shot. And as far as yardage, practically the only difference would be the 3 iron, because below that you could just move up a club and cover the same distance.

    Try the double spin and distance balls as well.

    In short, you can handle the Master ranked rounds with the Pro clubs by managing the course properly. In my case, I lose less than half a shot on BPB 7, which I cannot reach in two now but is a realistic par hole if you leave yourself a full wedge. Similarly, BPB 13 is a birdie hole if you lay up for a full wedge. (Those were rare birdie or eagle holes, respectively, for me anyway.)

    Masters out there, is there something I'm missing about the Master iron sets? Is higher trajectory and carry worth a couple of strokes per round?

  • Valrec
    70 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 4:28 AM

    Thanks Lee and Spikel for your replies about the origins of the game. Lee, I will have a read of those archives, thanks. (EDIT: I've ead through the archives now, and feel I've caught up a bit with the history of the game. And I saw some familiar names in earlier tournament results : ).

    This year's opens are pretty interesting too, I've been following them and watching the leaderboards, a lot of fun, but also a lot of pressure, I know that I get some nerves just playing a ranked round that's going well, and approaching a good score for me, each shot feels really important, lol, so I understand how intense playing the rounds for the open championships must be for people!

  • jakestanfill7
    949 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 7:30 AM


    Hard work and dedication?

    What exactly are we talking about here? LMAO!!


    By that I mean spending more hours than I could possibly count ACTUALLY playing and learning the game instead of antagonizing sycophants (LOL) in the forums like some of my friends who's username starts with S and ends with 77.  :)

    Agreed it's not exactly hard work like digging ditches (or swilling booze and trying to be witty in the forums...wink wink), but does take an extraordinary investment of time to be a competitive in the master tier.  After my last knee reconstruction I could do little for a couple months and played the game about 12 hours a day.   So you got me on the hard work part, but no one can question the dedication aspect to this mind numbing useless waste of time if you want to win.

  • zagraniczniak
    1,984 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 8:15 AM

    Indeed, the stats are right there in the profile for anyone to see - how many hundreds of rounds the top players have logged, the thousands of birdies sunk, and so on.

  • Snaike
    3,678 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 9:59 AM

    My apologies for having an opinion that doesn't coincide with yours.  .... If you think my comments are "whiney" and "miserable", so be it. No one will ever stop me giving my opinion by calling me names. 

    It wasn't your opinion, BigFoot, that garnered my response.  It was your last line... and I quote again...

    ... Soon I shall be gone too.
    That's not an opinion, mate, that a statement of fact.

    Your opinion that the fun is gone for you is undeniable.  That is your opinion and no one can tell you otherwise.  That's fine.  You're welcome to it.  And you're welcome to share it with everyone.

    My question, to you and the other "person", was to simply ask why you're still here?  If you're 'soon to be gone' playing a game that isn't fun anymore it's a fair question.

    So, I'll ask it again.  If you're "soon to be gone", why are you still here?


  • iukine
    195 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 12:58 PM

    And we return once more to the issue of tiers, or is it tears! HAH, maybe a tier system based upon the ammount of time spent on the game could be an answer. I do not consider myself a master level player but I am only able to compete with people that have twice to three times the experience(hours on the game). These " gamers" as I call them have a distinct advantage over the rest of us folks, thus the problem of quitters drop-outs and people just fed up with the game, it might also help with the sandbagger problem. These are my suggestions to help all who play this game. I love the game of golf and I think WGT is a fun game(simulation) and deserves some credit for giving it a go. As always the ball is really in WGT's court now and they will have the final say on what becomes of this game. Hopefully, the issue of tiers has become one of their priorities. Aloha to all.

  • SweetiePie
    4,925 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 12:59 PM

    Who's having fun? I am, because I took about three weeks off away from this game...just in a effort to reinvigorate some passion which is missing...we'll see...still fun even when the game goes south to the crapper.

  • OSUSigEp
    3 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 1:00 PM

    I've only started playing this game yesterday, and I'm already addicted. I love it!

  • smason77
    464 Posts
    Tue, Jul 20 2010 6:32 PM



    Hard work and dedication?

    What exactly are we talking about here? LMAO!!


    By that I mean spending more hours than I could possibly count ACTUALLY playing and learning the game instead of antagonizing sycophants (LOL) in the forums like some of my friends who's username starts with S and ends with 77.  :)

    Agreed it's not exactly hard work like digging ditches (or swilling booze and trying to be witty in the forums...wink wink), but does take an extraordinary investment of time to be a competitive in the master tier.  After my last knee reconstruction I could do little for a couple months and played the game about 12 hours a day.   So you got me on the hard work part, but no one can question the dedication aspect to this mind numbing useless waste of time if you want to win.

    Yeah I guess i'm a little more balanced.. =)

    Swilling booze yes. Trying to be witty? No. I'm just very blunt. I speak my mind. It has nothing to do with wit. I find it remarkable how many "corporations", "enterprises", "dot coms", and even regular people have such an issue with other people simply expressing their right to free speech. It's extraordinary.

    I feel like i'm living in the USSR.. except instead of tyrannical dictators controlling my every move it's tyrannical corporations. Point is yeah.. I lash out.. big time. It's not about wit.. it's about my right to do so. Not to worry though... before too long we'll all be sycophant zombies that mope around without a shred of independent thought and serve only our supreme masters. Seems that's exactly what you people want; isn't it?


    Didn't you say that you had kids Jake? Not to pry.. but I can only wonder what's more valuable to them; a $500 gift card or HOURS upon HOURS of lost time that could've been spent with their father? IDK. I guess that's up to you. It's an honest question.