To a good extent I sense there may now be enough consensus evolving to form a government (OMG LOL). OK some will say can't read it that way LOL....
I accept newer lower level Legends arguably have enough to enjoy their game and learn the tips. Armed with Level 59 G20s / L68 Rocketz should be OK iron wise for the committed player until L83 G20s / L79Bladez, and then the trudge to L90 is at least achievable in a lifetime! Maybe the L83 G20s need an upgrade but that's for another thread really, and so basically WGT have now enough to cater for lower level legends quite well especially with all the new woods - arguably!
I think where the real "nutso" situation obviously exists is a TL being asked to compete with equipment that is sub optimal. You simply could not say to Rory McIlroy, "don't worry you can have that driver after three years maybe" (he gets to play la fair bit LOL) but you can still compete with what you have.................Kind of think the answer may not be printable LOL! Moreover, TL is the cream and should be something to aim for in every way end of! If WGt did this much I can't see how it would be anything other than generally welcomed I think!
I have left out all argument's involving the L99 TM average 61.04 who only plays skins/blitz. They should not be in any excuse for this IMO.
If WGT want to massage things a little more then personally I would welcome it - room for another driver I agree. However, the above should be the minimum, line in sand drawn, sensibly oxygenated, environment for us all to operate in! I can't see how sales would be anything other than bolstered, and kicking and screaming they would shut me up, and wouldn't that be a good thing LOL.
And remember - Expectation is the root of all heartache :)
So endeth the spiel!