I do not agree with clubs only functioning to 95% until a certain level obtained, that would just = confusion / same arguments. Effectively we already have something approaching that any way (same as IRL) the R11 driver not generally as good as the R11s and so on. We want to "sim" the game up through more choice, not decrease revenue!
What I say to the OP is that it is now obvious that there is a weight of opinion saying change is needed in a Pro Shop failing to "sim" the game properly.
There will be plenty saying not fair as had to play x many hours. Partly I sympathise with that, and some of that % will find that a bitter a pill to swallow accepted.
There will also be plenty saying you don't really need it, just get on with it. Politely but bluntly I don't see any one saying it's a night and day difference expected? What I do see is many L98 player's choosing to use it in top level comp's..................
Waiting years once in a certain tier is absurd!
Whether it's as far as the OP suggests, or just some balance, let people improve their game with the equipment they choose to a greater extent than exists.
For most people with busy lives L90/94 is HUGE time out. This is meant to be a golf "sim" - let's have a pro shop that actually allows that!
Time for change indeed!