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PRO SHOP Revision

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 6 2013 7:56 PM (29 replies)
  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:11 AM

    Think it's about time 2 revise the Proshop.

    In the old days available equipment was purely Tier-based, now it's mainly based on Levels. IMO it should have the best of both. Tier- as well as Level-based. In this way you can tackle sandbagging better (e.g. no more Top equiped level 91 amateurs with diamond tournament finishes only).

    Further on it's only fair 2, let's say Level 90+ Legends & TourLegends, 2 have access 2 all equipment in the proshop. They have played a lot .....and well.

    Finally it would be a big improvement 2 make the "best in it's class" equipment available 2 Legends and TourLegends ONLY (e.g R1 L98 and R11irons L90). Only when there's new better equipment introduced, this equipment becomes available 2 lower tiers - i.e. before introducing the L98 R1, the R11S L94/90 should have been available 2 (Tour)Legends only. With the introduction of the R1 L98, this would have been the new "(Tour)Legend driver only" and the R11 L94/90 now is available 2 TourMasters and, depending on the new Proshop-classification, 2 subsequent lower Tiers.

    So...WGT, make up ur's time 4 CHANGE!!!!

    Cheers, GC


  • Braidan1218
    101 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 7:31 AM

    From the gaming side of things this makes a lot of sense, BUT this would lead to reduced equipment sales and DOES NOT make sense from the business side of things.


  • Boomerboy44
    1,514 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 8:25 AM

    Another GREAT idea that is never going to happen.  Money is the driving force behind WGT's golf model as it should be .  No money no game. I know I am stating the obvious but it seems a lot of people don;t get it.

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 9:14 AM

    I've made the following proposal multiple times, been complimented on the idea multiple times by members.

    The current system can work fairly for all with a simple tweak. In real life, anyone can walk into a pro shop and buy any equipment, even the top of the line items. The fact that a hack has the equipment does not mean they can use that equipment as well as seasoned professional on the top tours.

    Simply leave the current level driven system in place but deduct a percentage of performance off clubs for less than the legend level on the best equipment.

    For example, let the r11 top level perform at 100% for Tour Legend and Legend. 95% for TM. 90% for Master. And so on down the line.

    Lesser clubs can reach 100% at lower tiers. Maybe something like having the G15s reach 100% at master and above and then going down 5% per tier from there. 

    That way lesser clubs available at the lower levels continue to sell and the better clubs perform more like the lesser clubs in the hands of those who are in the lower tiers.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 10:23 AM

    I do not agree with clubs only functioning to 95% until a certain level obtained, that would just = confusion / same arguments. Effectively we already have something approaching that any way (same as IRL) the R11 driver not generally as good as the R11s and so on. We want to "sim" the game up through more choice, not decrease revenue!

    What I say to the OP is that it is now obvious that there is a weight of opinion saying change is needed in a Pro Shop failing to "sim" the game properly. 

    There will be plenty saying not fair as had to play x many hours.  Partly I sympathise with that, and some of that % will find that a bitter a pill to swallow accepted. 

    There will also be plenty saying you don't really need it, just get on with it. Politely but bluntly I don't see any one saying it's a night and day difference expected? What I do see is many L98 player's choosing to use it in top level comp's..................

    Waiting years once in a certain tier is absurd!

    Whether it's as far as the OP suggests, or just some balance, let people improve their game with the equipment they choose to a greater extent than exists. 

    For most people with busy lives L90/94 is HUGE time out. This is meant to be a golf "sim" - let's have a pro shop that actually allows that! 

    Time for change indeed!

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 11:00 AM

    Yet it is not the same as in real life because here there are players intentionally avoiding "tiering up" while reaching levels into the 90s in order to take advantage of others in competitions that do not count toward "tiering up".

    Also, as I pointed out, a hack in real life is not going to be able to get the real life performance out of an R11 the same way a PGA Tour Pro will. The shaft is wrong, the Hack designation indicates the swing won't be as consistent, etc.   If the goal in that area is to make the game more realistic, the performance of the top clubs should reflect diminished performance in the hands of lesser players.

    As you point out, there are lesser clubs for those lesser players at lower levels. That's fine. Those aren't the people we're addressing.

    For people like myself, who will probably never have the skill or desire to get to Legend or Tour Legend, the top clubs SHOULD reflect our lesser abilities. For those who DO have the skills but CHOOSE not to tier up, the clubs should reflect a skill level matching the tier they have chosen. It makes the game more realistic while slamming the door on some of the sandbagging and poaching going on.

    It also keeps WGT selling equipment to everybody. It's not a smart business that tells the majority of it's customers, "You have the money; you want to buy my products. I'm going to slash my own business throat by refusing to sell it to you."

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 11:31 AM

    Point taken on the RL shaft stiffness etc....................I think down the track a meter that decreases forgiveness above a certain power point also something to think about, but that's down the track. Increasing performance, of a given club, for those reason's is getting too complicated for this game as it stands.  

    Better club's performing differently / attributes as stated is about right IMO for the time. Never against innovation, but open that up, just a complicated can of worms leading only to the same argument for a computer "sim"! 

    The question therefore should be only who get's em IMO! My view's are well known on that!  

  • nashkurt
    175 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 12:09 PM

    let the present system of the clubs stay ..but wgt needs  to restrict  buying of premium balls to those who are at lower tiers ...premium balls that goes further are only available when they tier up instead of levelling up....with this in place everybody is happy...:)

  • srellim234
    2,077 Posts
    Fri, Apr 26 2013 12:26 PM

    Except the businessman who loses all of those ball sales with a horrible business decision.

  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 1:49 PM

    WGT come on, don't be that quiet......there has been several posts about this subject and till now not a single reply from WGT....

    Cheers, GC