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PRO SHOP Revision

rated by 0 users
Mon, May 6 2013 7:56 PM (29 replies)
  • MainzMan
    9,593 Posts
    Sun, May 5 2013 11:50 PM

    I agree with combining tier and level for equipment sales.  I know those who have been here longest and played most should be rewarded but level 98 is a hell of a lot of days/rounds played, it took me about a year to get from 94 to 95 and given the huge number jump for each new level I'll probably need 5 years to get to 98.

    If they made the R1 available to all legends/tour legends over level 90 I'd buy it today.  As it is now I doubt I'll ever get one.  I expect WGT would sell dozens of them straight away if they changed the requirements to get one.

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 1:51 AM

    The downside of this is, then there will be nothing more to motivate playing, thus effecting ball sales. Any club sold is sold only once, but the path to it is covered with a lot of sleeves.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:11 AM

    I agree Alosso, the balls are the earner for WGT. But the amount of games to reach certain levels is very high, possibly a de-motivating aspect? Simple fact is there is very little, equipment wise, to lure high level players. Most equipment that comes out is mid level - and decent equipment probably intended to tier players up faster - and keep those upgrades flowing in.

  • GoodyChamp
    595 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 3:15 AM


    I agree Alosso, the balls are the earner for WGT. But the amount of games to reach certain levels is very high, possibly a de-motivating aspect? Simple fact is there is very little, equipment wise, to lure high level players. Most equipment that comes out is mid level - and decent equipment probably intended to tier players up faster - and keep those upgrades flowing in.

    Couldn't have said it!

    Cheers, GC

  • alosso
    21,094 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 4:20 AM

    I've not heard anybody resign because the top equipment is too far away. I only see many players crying for these coveted toys.

    In addition there is the new tier, TLs. Only when the boys have their toys and have reached the top of the ladder the motivation may cease.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 8:17 AM

    I doubt many who have just hit level 90 (extreme example) are playing more to get the R11s early, just way too far off.  Personally the Pro Shop needs a shake up above even L70 for Legends and separately everything opened up for the cream TL tier. What's happened recently is a huge growth drive only, no regard L / TL.  The point missed is that opening things up might actually encourage more genuine players to play a little more, and so more balls that way! More balance needed!

  • HesheeDucky
    35 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 12:10 PM

    Unfortunately i beat a few legends in match play and became one in the low 70's.  Now i have the l88 R11 which is a bomber unless you miss the ding.  i have been waiting for a new driver but it seems like we get screwed between level 88-94 because they have had the r11 out for two years and the levels 40-75 have a ton of equipment to choose from.  it's stupid because i am willing to spend alot of money but there is nothing to buy...agreed!!

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 2:30 PM

    I've not heard anybody resign because the top equipment is too far away.

    I do agree Alosso, but the fact is a lot of high level players do play more infrequently and whilst "burn out" would be the most likely reason, motivation is also a reason.

    The reason why most of us play is the enjoyment of the game and we should all set goals  - be it tier, level or just play with friends. But sometimes we all need some motivation and sometimes, getting a new toy is it. Jim, when I was level 89 i saw the R11S Driver waiting for me at level 90 - only for it to be moved a few weeks before I was eligible to level 94 - that was de-motivating! And yes that is my next WANT!

    But for me the most motivating factor since I made Pro - was to make it to the next tier. So what is left if I make it to TL somefay (highly unlikely lol)? But at no stage did WGT offer an incentive to make that leap - 150 cr or so for a tier increase when that will not buy a sleeve of premium balls that last 5-6 full 18 hole rounds! This is where the reward-award system need a complete overhaul IMO. What is a Ham and Egg reward etc and does anyone except maybe newbies care? I remember playing Blitze ages ago, and one of the group was awarded a Water Boy Award for dunking yet another ball in the lake! Talk about rubbing your nose in it.

    As for lower level legends (again being promoted earlier these days due to the good new mid level equipment) they still have enough in the tank to compete. Going back to early days, the cream of WGT had inferior equipment to what is available now, but could still play well. Most players will not become legend before level 58 when the lower level G20s are available - and I know many players who can/have compete well at legend tier with them. Now at least there is good equipment not far away with the Bladez in the 70s.

    I do agree that clubs should have level and tier availibility - but in leaving the levels of clubs where they exist, perhaps with a couple of exceptions. Where the system becomes a joke is when you get the level 90 odd pro with top equipment fleecing their peers in M/P and skins. They know the system and will not get tiered up but still can have the top gear - that is where the system is flawed. Will WGT do anything about that - I doubt it due to lost sales.


  • bubbadork
    984 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 2:59 PM

    I played like hell to get to level 90 so I could get the irons and wedges I wanted. Now I hardly play because levels 94-98 are so far away, time-wise. I feel like I have all the clubs I'm ever going to have.

  • Jimbog1964
    8,378 Posts
    Mon, May 6 2013 7:56 PM

    To a good extent I sense there may now be enough consensus evolving to form a government (OMG LOL). OK some will say can't read it that way LOL....

    I accept newer lower level Legends arguably have enough to enjoy their game and learn the tips. Armed with Level 59 G20s / L68 Rocketz should be OK iron wise for the committed player until L83 G20s / L79Bladez, and then the trudge to L90 is at least achievable in a lifetime! Maybe the L83 G20s need an upgrade but that's for another thread really, and so basically WGT have now enough to cater for lower level legends quite well especially with all the new woods - arguably!

    I think where the real "nutso" situation obviously exists is a TL being asked to compete with equipment that is sub optimal. You simply could not say to Rory McIlroy, "don't worry you can have that driver after three years maybe" (he gets to play la fair bit LOL) but you can still compete with what you have.................Kind of think the answer may not be printable LOL! Moreover, TL is the cream and should be something to aim for in every way end of! If WGt did this much I can't see how it would be anything other than generally welcomed I think!

    I have left out all argument's involving the L99 TM average 61.04 who only plays skins/blitz. They should not be in any excuse for this IMO.

    If WGT want to massage things a little more then personally I would welcome it - room for another driver I agree. However, the above should be the minimum, line in sand drawn, sensibly oxygenated, environment for us all to operate in! I can't see how sales would be anything other than bolstered, and kicking and screaming they would shut me up, and wouldn't that be a good thing LOL.

    And remember - Expectation is the root of all heartache :)

    So endeth the spiel!