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Re: Advice Needed From Other CC Owners

Mon, Jul 1 2013 6:45 AM (42 replies)
  • kchuskey
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 7:05 AM


    I hear ya Huskey. Its the same on our site. Unfortunately nobody can see it unless they are in the club, so here is a link we have for our player of the year spreadsheet, just to show how it can be set up.




    Looks nice! But you can publish it as web page.  (If you use another website for your club) Then you copy and paste the code. That way it is viewed as a page, and not a working file. Plus..You don't have to stay logged into google, for it to be visible.

    It looks good though, and I like the idea. We have similar for our new club, but it is "Player of the week", and it is generated by the website, to display automatically, once I tell it what to say. Unfortunately our club is still looking for members, so we have no active players of the week yet. :)




  • tubbytubb
    121 Posts
    Sun, Jun 30 2013 7:27 AM

    I'm not an owner, but a moderator in our club.  We have the same problems, and all of that has been cussed and discussed.  lol  We just started a Bingo Bango Bongo tournament.  Google it for rules.  We play practice 3 random holes.  Its fast and a fun break from the real golf game.  Basically,  first on green gets the Bingo. (1 point)  When all are on the green the closest to the hole gets the Bango.  (1 point)  Then the first in gets the Bongo.  ( 1 point.)  no ties for the Bango, if its the same distance, who ever wgt has to putt last gets it. And we put in a rule that no 2 consecutive putts can win a Bongo.  Fun game to play around with for a change of pace.


  • EnriccoP
    3,767 Posts
    Mon, Jul 1 2013 6:45 AM

    We just did Battle of the Sexes tournament that went over really well.

    Of course the ability to do this will depend on the demographics of your club.

    We did a match play event for the first one where the captains each submitted their playing order and that created t he matchups.  We gave people one week to play.

    We had the best participation we have ever had, even more than the club  championship,it spurred a lot of activity in the forums and it gave people the opportunity to play with other members that they don't normally play with.  We are now setting up an alternate shot version.