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Advice Needed From Other CC Owners

Mon, Jul 1 2013 6:45 AM (42 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 9:18 AM

    Hello again,

    this is the latest I've posted in our club forum, some thoughts I put together from the tips and ideas etc you have been kind enough to help me with.  The second link is notice of a trial run of leagues table tournament games, FTT's I call them, Friday Table Tournaments.

    Thoughts and Ideas for Structuring Our Club and Club Membership




  • Elknoxious
    1,123 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 10:01 AM


    I agree with Patricia above. I think diversity is a huge part of running a successful club. The CC forum should be like the 19th hole in my opinion where there is stuff to do besides talk about golf.

    I also think that it takes more than one to tango and it takes a solid group that always participates which then gets others involved...the bandwagon effect. The CC's that I have seen all have a handful of very active members that run tournaments, offer prizes and keeps everyone in line. I think this comes with time and luck but stick with it and it will come. I remember my old CC owner reminiscing one CC anniversary and looking back at the first several months after he started the CC and he mentioned that he was mostly talking to himself back then in the forum. Now he has a very successful club with some of the best people I've come across playing this game.  Moral is that the more you put yourself out there and offer whatever you can the more you will get back. If you notice, the popular CC's out there are run by folks who have lots of posts.

    If you ever want some tourney ideas, send me a message and I will try and help. 

    Best of luck



  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Fri, Jun 21 2013 12:12 PM

     Moral is that the more you put yourself out there and offer whatever you can the more you will get back. If you notice, the popular CC's out there are run by folks who have lots of posts.

    Quite right. And always give the club a few weeks trial. Even the busiest of clubs can't be busy all of the time, there have to be slight lulls between the major events. :-)


    2,580 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 3:26 AM


    Thanks again everyone for the brilliant feedback. Can you advise me on these?

    I. Cheats in the club, what to watch out for.

    2. How to organise match play games in the club.

    3. Club v club tournaments. Are they possible?

    4. Will someone explain 'club earnings'.

    And last of all. I have to show you this video of a shot I took a few days ago in a club C-T-T-H.  If you have the time to watch it, you should get a good kick out of seeing it. Play it on auto and can you tell me, does the ball stop or not?

    replay.aspx?ID=fb54e947 acbc 41cd b975 a1e100fb1b8c


    1: Stats can tell you a lot about cheats Dubfore, but there are better folks than me for spotting these, so hopefully someone else can put some input here for you.

    2: The only way to do this is to tell members that a competition is Matchplay. You could post the settings for these games in your cc forums, and get members to play, and then post a scorecard in the forums.

    3: Yes, very much so. You could make a post in your CC area asking for members to volunteer for a CC v CC game. When you have a number, then go to the forums here on WGT and make a post asking other clubs for a CC v CC game. Make contact with whoever replies, and run up some rules as to how you are going to play the CC v CC games. Things like, time frame for games to be done, and a time frame for the competition overall, courses and settings etc. There will be many CC owners who have ran CC games before, and they will only be too happy to help you along.

    4: Each player has a record of what they have won in the game. You may have won 2000 credits, but have none left. You record will still show you as having won 2000 credits. This is the same for everyone. Every member of a CC has the amount of earnings (credits) stacked together, and it is added up to show what has been won by all the members in that club. It is just a record of earnings, and nothing can be done with it.

    Your other post where you put up the links to the post in your CC can not be seen by members who are not in your club, so unfortunately we cant see them.


    EDIT: If you like Dubfore, we can get a CC v CC game going with your club if you like? Just gather a number of your members who want to play, and i will try match that to get a game started. I can then help you out, and we can trash out what needs to be done. It can be any amount, just as long as its not too many, lol. As you know, not all members will volunteer to play, even in my club. Let me know.

    Friend request sent.


  • Ianzzz
    6,370 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 6:47 AM

    I also had the same issues before now, with several competitions with only a handful of players. I do try to think of different things, handicap knockout which seemed to even the tiers quite a bit, a team game, where we have teams of three, one Legend one M/TM and one lower, who play stroke play but scores are accumulated. This does seem to get the interest with the last one we held having just over 100 players out of 170 taking part. Some of the higher players do also contribute some credits for prizes for the lower players, which has seemed to get their interest and then some have moved up and then donated to lower again. We also have a Matchplay Ladder, played on a weekly basis and a "Live Game" league where it is just about playing other members and just a small prize or two to give a small incentive.

    We have had two attempts at a CC v CC game, but found that it did fall short where timezones were difficult to work with, but if you can fine players from both on same timing, it does work well.,

    Good luck and hope it is all worth it for you


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 8:45 AM

    Thanks again everyone.  There are many ways to make the club more interesting, but the membership have to show the interest first in making the improvements. I have noted all the positive ideas and will wait and see what is the response to my latest club post about the structure/future of the club.

  • PuttJennyPutt
    535 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 9:32 PM

    My CC is a small one and the members like it that way; we keep room to grow but only active players will be invited. As owner I take invites from our members and friend the one they want to get in and play a game with them and explain all the activities we have and what is expected of them which is mainly to play in our tourneys and friend the other members and play with them but mainly to have fun. I find this really helps new people understand what we all about and they get to meet me before they join us. My main core will instantly friend them as soon as they post in our forum and introduce themselves and start golfing with them.

    I let anyone that wishes make tourneys anytime they want and we have many "special" tourneys that must be signed up to play in our forum which also sparks interest in yacking with the other members. We run shot of the month which pays credits to the winner and also makes them eligible for shot of the year which also pays credits. We have a monthly Match Play Tourney and every couple months do a Club Championship. We also do our own version of the Ryder Cup and a tourney every weekend with 24 hr. rounds mirroring the PGA schedule with our own point system and a payout at the end of the season; we just started this and it's going over very very well with the members. Bingo Bango Bongo is another fun game.

    I've found to get an active club you gotta spark the interest of the people you have and get them involved and your CC will thrive; but at the same time anyone that doesn't participate gets the "axe" after a couple weeks. I hate doin it but numbers just to have numbers is not what a good CC is all about. It's all about happy members getting involved and having fun and a good owner must play with all of their members every chance they get. I very rarely ever get out in a public game and it's fine cuz I know when I'm playin with one of our bunch it's gonna be a real good game and is always a fun one. But you must get out every so often cuz when ya do usually you'll run into a great prospect for a new member.

    Love my CC and everyone in it :-)

  • kchuskey
    59 Posts
    Sat, Jun 22 2013 11:57 PM

    This is just a sample of how our club is set up. Maybe it can give you some ideas. Hope it helps.


    • Mondays - Open
    • Tuesdays - Men's league ( see league details)
    • Wednesdays - Ladies League ( see league details)
    • Thursdays - Weekly Sweep for Peanuts! ( see details )
    • Fridays, Saturdays, and Sundays - Open for club Tourney Play ( TBA)

    League Play Rules

    League play will run from March thru July, and be played the same for both men and woman. It will be every Tuesday and Wednesday, and will be 9 holes. Entry will be 5 credits every week, and 10 spots will be paid out, and tracked, for an updating "Standings" board. The accumulative credits won will be added up at the end of the year, and a League Champion from each league, will be awarded a prize, to be determined later.

    Play for Peanuts

    Every Thursday will be our weekly Play for Peanuts. This will be 18 holes, and cost 20 credits, and is for both men and women. With one winner taking all the peanuts!


    Kansas WGT Country Club Tournaments (Annual)

    • Fall Round up - 1 round 18 holes - November (TBA)
    • Holiday Classic - 2 rounds 18 holes - December (TBA)
    • Capricorn Classic - 1 round 18 holes - January (TBA)
    • Cabin Fever Classic - 1 round 18 holes - February (TBA) 
    • Annual Invitational Match Play - 18 holes winner advance March (TBA)
    • Casey Huskey Tournament - 2 rounds 18 holes - April (TBA)
    • Turkey Shoot - 1 round 18 holes - May (TBA)
    • The Kansas Open - 1 round 18 holes (June TBA)
    • 4th of July Bash - 2 rounds 18 holes - Friday July 5th
    • Club Championship - 4 rounds 18 holes - Late summer


    Kansas WGT Country Club Weekly Tournaments

    • Friday Twilight - Every Friday , 1 round 9 holes - Entry 20 credits,  pays top 3.
  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 12:09 AM

    Do you win all of the tournaments?

  • Choppography
    2,166 Posts
    Sun, Jun 23 2013 6:36 AM


    - Only accept very active players and boot those after a period of inactivity if they didn't come to you with a reason why they may be on hiatus.  You will have turnover in your CC, but they will all be online playing constantly allowing newer members a better chance to acclimate quickly.

    - Try and play with your members....almost more than you do anything else.  Encourage your players to stay "green" by staying green yourself if you don't already.  The CC owner should be totally's a price of leadership.

    - As has been mentioned, inter-club matches are a great way to get some chatter going in your own forums between players and gives them a sense of belonging to something.

    - Run other competitions within the club.  Match play tourneys (plenty of free bracket sites out there to keep the scoreboard for you), obviously tournaments within the club for free and for credits, and also running (cumulative) tourneys that allow players to sort of play a "tour" that will culminate in a grand finale.  Maybe your own "ladder system" or something that crowns a champion everyone can take their swings at knocking off the pedestal.  This locks players in and builds some loyalty.  Talk about other things going on around the world of sports in your forum.  Talk about jokes you've heard lately, music that is new or old, anything that stirs conversation....not controversy.

    - Encourage sharing of names, skype names, etc so your players can find each other.  Encourage older members to continually reach out to newer ones.

    The CC owner has a very full plate.  He/she needs to delegate responsibility effectively so he/she doesn't burn out.  CC members will rise to the top of the areas they would be effective in overseeing.  You need to be aware of that and keep your eyes peeled for tasks you don't want to obsess over yourself.

    But, the bottom line is YOU need to be the most accessible, most friendly, best danged person in the world in your CC.  If you set that example, your core membership will follow and the club will practically run itself after awhile.