Thanks again everyone for the brilliant feedback. Can you advise me on these?
I. Cheats in the club, what to watch out for.
2. How to organise match play games in the club.
3. Club v club tournaments. Are they possible?
4. Will someone explain 'club earnings'.
And last of all. I have to show you this video of a shot I took a few days ago in a club C-T-T-H. If you have the time to watch it, you should get a good kick out of seeing it. Play it on auto and can you tell me, does the ball stop or not?
replay.aspx?ID=fb54e947 acbc 41cd b975 a1e100fb1b8c
1: Stats can tell you a lot about cheats Dubfore, but there are better folks than me for spotting these, so hopefully someone else can put some input here for you.
2: The only way to do this is to tell members that a competition is Matchplay. You could post the settings for these games in your cc forums, and get members to play, and then post a scorecard in the forums.
3: Yes, very much so. You could make a post in your CC area asking for members to volunteer for a CC v CC game. When you have a number, then go to the forums here on WGT and make a post asking other clubs for a CC v CC game. Make contact with whoever replies, and run up some rules as to how you are going to play the CC v CC games. Things like, time frame for games to be done, and a time frame for the competition overall, courses and settings etc. There will be many CC owners who have ran CC games before, and they will only be too happy to help you along.
4: Each player has a record of what they have won in the game. You may have won 2000 credits, but have none left. You record will still show you as having won 2000 credits. This is the same for everyone. Every member of a CC has the amount of earnings (credits) stacked together, and it is added up to show what has been won by all the members in that club. It is just a record of earnings, and nothing can be done with it.
Your other post where you put up the links to the post in your CC can not be seen by members who are not in your club, so unfortunately we cant see them.
EDIT: If you like Dubfore, we can get a CC v CC game going with your club if you like? Just gather a number of your members who want to play, and i will try match that to get a game started. I can then help you out, and we can trash out what needs to be done. It can be any amount, just as long as its not too many, lol. As you know, not all members will volunteer to play, even in my club. Let me know.
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