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Advice Needed From Other CC Owners

Mon, Jul 1 2013 6:45 AM (42 replies)
  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 8:54 AM

    I'm looking at ways to up the interest from our members in the Players Only Country Club, the involvement in cc tournaments has waned a bit recently.   I tried to spice it up a bit with some new ideas like 'shot of the month', but that hasn't worked.

    I put a fair amount of my time into the club, but it's a bit disheartening atm. Has anyone got some positive advice for me, especially club owners?

    Cheers and thanks,


  • carolineRobert
    1,821 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 12:56 PM


    I put a fair amount of my time into the club, but it's a bit disheartening atm. 

    disheartening indeed ...and i do know the feeling !

    but in all fairness , keep in mind that the nice weather has people go play outside rather than in here. So less volume is normal ''atm''

    you could try to create a club tourney with registration thru the club forum ?!

    and use the CC owner tool ''email members'' to let them know which tourneys you are creating and for whom ...that could help too

    and if you can afford it , offer a sleeve of golf balls to the winner sometimes

    but my advice is this : don't keep your hopes up. Wish for the best but expect the worst. that way , you won't get disappointed as much

    gl to you mister

  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 1:23 PM

    Hello Caroline,


    thanks for the replies. I have tried most of those sugggestions,  even putting up some of my photography work as prizes, worked at first but not now.

    "you could try to create a club tourney with registration thru the club forum given me a good idea to try"  This has given me an idea that I think might work,  I will keep you posted.

    Thanks again.

  • SamanthaWho
    3,403 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 8:23 PM

    We run a club match play tourney every month, seems to get people talking more in the forum, and they make new friends, then they get a little more interested in the rest.

    Try some tier based events, CTTH also.

    We get about 60% of our members to play in each of our 3 monthly major tournaments. I know it is frustrating.

    Even though i am club *owner* we have a committee of 8 that take turns running everything, gets more people involved, fresh and different ideas.

    And remember, like Caroline said, it IS summer, our slow season :-)

    Just keep working at it.


  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 10:00 PM

    Interest can wane a little during the summer months on this half of the planet and I think a lot of people are losing interest lately because of the WGT bosses inability to listen to their customers. But I find if you mix it up a little and encourage members to join in more, especially in the forum then it keeps things ticking along. Inter-club games and match-play tournaments help build up friendships and camaraderie.

  • Hewsey
    1,958 Posts
    Mon, Jun 17 2013 10:19 PM

    We have tried country vs country tourneys. So the US vs Canada vs Europe/ UK the members seem to enjoy. Keep your players updated & involved as much as you can, but, at the end of the day if they don't want to participate there isn't much you can do. Those out there that own CC's know what you're going through. Good luck.

  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:04 AM

    In my cc the owner has got a couple of other members involved with creating Tourneys and other games.. 

    The owner himself takes care of the ctth league which is a weekly game and the league runs for a month at a time. He also puts on ad-hoc games for fun during the week.

    Another member runs the Weekly 9 hole multiplay and the 18 hole single play league.. This runs for the yearly quarter with the league table being updated every week.

    Another member runs the Champions league Match play which runs over every course on WGT and also the Knockout tournament where the lowest score is knocked out every round.. This runs until there is only 2 players left and they then have a final Match play to determine the outright winner..

    I myself run the A/S Tourney, the Blitz Tourney and the Skins Tourney on a turn around system.. These are all based on a round robin type system depending on how many members sign up and the over-all winner is the one with the most points at the end..

    Another member runs the Special Tourneys based on the Majors played on the USGA....

    Hope this gives you some ideas and good luck with your endeavours....


  • mel1950
    2,887 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 5:13 AM

    By the way, using the club owners, email members, tool is a very good idea.. Why not send an email to ALL your members asking what They would like to see and also asking for volunteers to help with the running of the club tourneys...

    If they feel they are being involved a bit more you may get more response!!!!!


  • Dubfore
    4,350 Posts
    Tue, Jun 18 2013 4:28 PM

    All great suggestions and I've tried a lot of them. I will take notes and try again to get more players involved in running the club. A committee sounds like a good idea, but I don't want it too be too formal.

    Thanks everyone.


  • PRStevenson
    842 Posts
    Wed, Jun 19 2013 1:53 AM

    Uhhh....I know how you feel. It would be nice to have better participation in my CC too....but some players just don't get what it means to be part of a CC community no matter how much you try and motivate them....

    Good CC owners put a lot of time and effort into the club to create a good experience for their members and good members show there appreciation by getting involved but there's always those members who just can't be bothered. Disheartening - I know the feeling. The last resort is to give the inactive ones a fair warning that they'll be replaced with players who want to be part of a Country Club and will participate, if they continue to do nothing.