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Re: R1's

rated by 0 users
Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:38 PM (43 replies)
  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 2:08 PM



    Hint: lvl 93 @785450 XPs

    Hint: lvl 98 @ 1764760 XPs


    I just did the math and it will take me about 3 years to reach Level 98 :O
    (level 93 will take me 3 hours, hmm...)

  • lee22sharon
    1,419 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 2:10 PM


    Chrisironbones is talking out of his ass.

    The R11s is a good driver for sure, but when I can see the difference in a handful of rounds, then there is no doubt this club will better your scores.

    I am now hitting one to two clubs less to every hole. That is a big advantage, and of course always from the middle of the fairway, lol

    1st two rounds i played after getting THE 1! came in with a -4 for both.

    Dropped my average from 65.04 to 64.96, to 64.88.  I have not ever had any piece of equipment do more for my game than that!   my nickle..


  • CSBarbarian
    1,625 Posts
    Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:38 PM


    Some who have sold their R11s and bought the black R1 are saying they already regret it because the R1 does NOT outperform the R11s. Some people are feeling duped.

    Anybody that bought that driver and is complaining about it is looking at it wrong. The R1 runs circles around the R11s in forgiveness and it pays immediate dividends if you are a so-so driver. The mishit with the R11s is in the fairway with the R1, it's that dramatic. Fairways hit % goes up, better approach instead of recovery shots, GIRs go up and the score comes down. Think that way and you'll see the real benefit of the R1. 


    Still laughing at a cellar full of salt. :-D

    Absolutely agree.

  • 719mike
    209 Posts
    Sat, Jun 29 2013 7:07 AM

    The R1 is the best purchase I've made since I started playing here . This club is plain out awesome ! It would have taking me 2 years to reach the lvl 98 R1 , so I'm happy to have the oppurtunity to get this now .Costly ? Yes . Worth it? You bettcha