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Fri, Jun 28 2013 10:38 PM (43 replies)
  • jric87
    20 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 11:18 AM

    Some people that have already bought the level 93 black R1 driver are saying that it's not performing at ALL like the level 98 white version (WGT racism? lol). Some who have sold their R11s and bought the black R1 are saying they already regret it because the R1 does NOT outperform the R11s. Some people are feeling duped. Can anybody else confirm this? I want to know if this is true before I kill myself trying to reach level 93 in time only to spend 34.95 on a more expensive fake replica of the level 98 driver. I hope WGT does not censor this comment. Come on guys, freedom of expression. 

  • fairground11
    1,211 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 1:31 PM


    Some people that have already bought the level 93 black R1 driver are saying that it's not performing at ALL like the level 98 white version (WGT racism? lol). Some who have sold their R11s and bought the black R1 are saying they already regret it because the R1 does NOT outperform the R11s. Some people are feeling duped. Can anybody else confirm this? I want to know if this is true before I kill myself trying to reach level 93 in time only to spend 34.95 on a more expensive fake replica of the level 98 driver. I hope WGT does not censor this comment. Come on guys, freedom of expression. 

    if you are on about chrisbones you have take everything he says with a cellar full of salt..

    this a guy that if he shoots 14 under will swear blind that he got vemmed on the other 4 holes.

    having used it today i would say the only problem i have found so far is getting used to the slower meter speed,i keep hitting too early but the super forgiveness on the club is helping

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 2:08 PM

    Some who have sold their R11s and bought the black R1 are saying they already regret it because the R1 does NOT outperform the R11s. Some people are feeling duped.

    Anybody that bought that driver and is complaining about it is looking at it wrong. The R1 runs circles around the R11s in forgiveness and it pays immediate dividends if you are a so-so driver. The mishit with the R11s is in the fairway with the R1, it's that dramatic. Fairways hit % goes up, better approach instead of recovery shots, GIRs go up and the score comes down. Think that way and you'll see the real benefit of the R1. 


    Still laughing at a cellar full of salt. :-D

  • graemelee99
    2,567 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 2:40 PM

    Yep I am one of those that have just bought the R11s...

    wouldn't mind if i was loaded except I am skint and paying that money for a club doesnt come easy ffs!


  • mkg335
    5,491 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 2:45 PM

    Quoted from another thread, the official word from Shoe:

     "There has been a lot of talk about the R1 Black not performing the same as the other two clubs.  I want everyone to know that the R1 Black and the R1 White are the same.  I have tested both out and the only times I have found a significant difference in the distance, was when I missed the ding or the ball hit on a down slope of a fairway and one shot ran out.  All other times the distances came out within a yard or two of each other. 

    Now to he R1 Black compared to the R11.  Again these are not the same clubs, the differences are subtle but there are differences.  The main differences between the two is the forgiveness and slower swing meter that the R1 provides over the R11. 

    Everything has been checked and double checked and the two R1's are the same and the R1 Black is different from the R11."


    - WGTdbloshoe


    p.s. Just to add my own admittedly limited experience, I've played a few rounds with the new black R1 and it outdrives my R11s, but more importantly is more forgiving and sports a slower meter...very satisfied customer here, I was going to have to wait until after xmas to get the R1 at level 98.

  • GlassMan27
    573 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 2:46 PM

    Anybody that bought that driver and is complaining about it is looking at it wrong

    You seem to be missing the point. The people who bought the BLACK R1 are only stating their observation that the club is NOT as long OR as forgiving as the R11s they replaced. The WHITE R1 may 'run circles' around the R11s, but the new one released at level 93 today does not. You are carrying the WHITE R1. Did you rent the new one to try it out? Did you buy it, play a few rounds, and decide you prefer the look of the white one? How can you comment on a club you haven't played?

  • andwhy67
    2,816 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 3:00 PM

    Played a MP tourney tonight, my opponent had the R11s and l had purchased the R1 earlier today, to be honest it was quite close, maybe 3-4 yds in it and l was always hitting second, on a couple of holes l 'dinged' my drive and it went maybe 10 yds further.

    The only thing i noticed was my opponent was using Callaways(z) and l was using a Nike level 70.

    l've only just made 93 and was impatient at waiting another 3-4 months for the level94 R11s. Certainly liking the R1 and no far, maybe the juries still out!!


    Anybody that bought that driver and is complaining about it is looking at it wrong

    You seem to be missing the point. The people who bought the BLACK R1 are only stating their observation that the club is NOT as long OR as forgiving as the R11s they replaced. The WHITE R1 may 'run circles' around the R11s, but the new one released at level 93 today does not. You are carrying the WHITE R1. Did you rent the new one to try it out? Did you buy it, play a few rounds, and decide you prefer the look of the white one? How can you comment on a club you haven't played?


  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 3:11 PM


    Hint: lvl 93 @785450 XPs

    Hint: lvl 98 @ 1764760 XPs


  • sue333318
    631 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 3:14 PM

    I got it and love it - can't seem to miss a fairway - about the same dist as the R11s but soo much more forgiving.      Play round Oak with the narrow fairways and notice the difference.

  • brhthecarpenter
    333 Posts
    Thu, Jun 27 2013 3:42 PM

    ive had the lvl 98 r1 for a couple of months now, and i dont always outdrive my opponent everytime.i play with the max balls,the reason i love this driver is for its forgiveness and more often than not i wind up about 5 to 10 yards farther down the fairway. it took me a few games to see what backspin worked with certain winds and certain courses.     if you think your going to outdrive the r11 s everytime then dont bother with this club.