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Re: WGT's customer service equality

Wed, Jul 24 2013 7:27 AM (82 replies)
  • Shankette
    1,662 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 1:31 AM

    Congrats, Dan.  It is somewhat satisfying to see WGT make good on their promises.  It is unfortunate that any player feels it necessary to go to these lengths to get what is due.

    I hope WGT has the sense and takes a hard look at their practices.  Giving awards and recognition when it is due is vital to the success of any such tournament/contest/promotion.  Can WGT improve these processes?  I believe it's in their best interest to do so.

    Your friends admire and appreciate you, Dan, and I look forward to seeing your name at the top of those leaderboards.


  • woodsidebunker
    11 Posts
    Wed, Jul 24 2013 3:59 AM

    Good point Dan.  Yes after the 4th box I would go to the manager and get a refund.   However I wouldnt yell out loud im never eating cracker jacks again just cause I didnt get the prize.  

    2  wrongs dont make a right.   thanks for listening Dan both points made   look forward to playing with ya some day .. Once I get on your level .     Scott