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Re: Cheaters

Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:55 AM (137 replies)
  • jeffacer62
    122 Posts
    Wed, Mar 19 2014 7:38 PM

    I totally agree the top players week in and week out are there with some unbelievable scores. I mean how can you shoot 51 ffs 21 under. So they bird and eagle every hole (impossible) I don't understand why WGT don't run a cheat program which everyone must adhere to. If it highlights you as red (for example) then you have a cheat program running otherwise if green then all is good.

    It's simple I know guys can shoot 15-16 under etc but surely they must blow out from time to time.

    Cmon WGT get a cheat program running so people must use it to play and it will then highlight as "red" or "green". They had this in ladders WGTLS which highlighted people. I tell you alot didn't want to use it, hmmm wonder why - just saying



  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 1:00 AM

    Really? This is still going on?

  • sarak362336
    1,597 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 1:12 AM

    Yawn......   zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

  • Agassi1991
    777 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 1:39 AM

    Will this never stop?!!!




  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:12 AM


    409 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:41 AM

    You know what drives me crazy Jeff.   A player takes over 60 seconds to load between shots.  You know just spinning away.  Then they apologize and say sorry connection bad today.  Or they blame it on WGT.  They say dang WGT must be having problems.   So while loading and spinning  then comes along there turn to shoot.  And  what a surprise every shot has a grayed out menu tab for over 30 seconds.   Amazingly every shot is close under 6 ft.  to the peg.  And at the end of the 9 hole game there 8 to 9 under every time.     Now I ask If there having such load issues and WGT is the one causing it at times. 

     How is this persons meter smooth enough to hit great shots every hole?   You would think if there experiencing  server and load issues  wouldn't there meter be a bit jumpy and crazy also?   Making it tough to time and catch the ding?

    You would think if there having load issues that the would make a few mistakes along the way.  But Go Figure That doesn't occur.    Also on WGTLS there was a software program that the owner of WGTLS created.   After word of mouth the news traveled to WGT.  And they found that program that was created to be no better than creating a cheat itself.    Which leads me to the next question.    How are we to all be assured this program isn't still being used on WGTLS?   I say it is considering I saw it running just this week .      Ive came to this conclusion.   After being here on WGT over 4 years.  I have a long list of names who I know for sure to be compromising the game.  And when I come across these players I simply decline there games.  And dare them to ask why.  Then I show them my video Ive taken with my Iphone showing there 20 to 30 second grayed out menu tab.    See its easy when you see that menu tab gray out for several seconds just bust out your phone and record it.  Never know when it might help in the future.     Donnie

  • mara43
    1,674 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:50 AM

    Where is that "beating a dead horse" emoticon when you need it?

    fill this in as required:

    and some humour:


  • TopShelf2010
    10,976 Posts
    Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:55 AM
