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Thu, Mar 20 2014 3:55 AM (137 replies)
  • Greg123245
    28 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 6:45 AM

    Just curious, but how are these people cheating? Do they mess with the speed of our meter or alter your shot?

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Fri, Aug 9 2013 11:14 AM

    They buy software to set colur on meter where the power they need is on all clubs/distances and it ding if just you go near ding, adjust your lack of accurrence! Thats cheat!


  • AgentBrown123
    907 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 3:48 PM

    Don't worry about all the people saying a lot of cheating is going on. There are some but it's definitely not the majority.  Cheating doesn't help you once you get on the green. And the REM deviations from a dinged shot has been increased.

    There are a lot of people on these forums that feel that since they can't shoot these low scores they must be cheating. Although I think some are like I said. The majority of the top earnings list are not. maybe one out of the top 20, I won't say who.

  • courteneyfish
    15,796 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 10:44 PM

    A lot of people shout "Cheat" or "Vem" when they play badly. Just saying.

  • vincent59
    60 Posts
    Sat, Aug 10 2013 11:17 PM

    well play a hack just join 8/10/2013 we played st andrews 3rd round he played shot 32  dont know just saying

  • egonweber
    365 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 3:05 AM


    well play a hack just join 8/10/2013 we played st andrews 3rd round he played shot 32  dont know just saying

    Well in my view it could be a restart user, hard to say, and impossible to prove. Only wgt have the possibilty to pick out the multiaccounters ip-adresses as siteowner. No proxy firewall or whatever you have on your pc can stop wgt for look where you are when you log in, you set your foot-/fingerprint in the log!


  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 3:42 AM



    well play a hack just join 8/10/2013 we played st andrews 3rd round he played shot 32  dont know just saying

    Well in my view it could be a restart user, hard to say, and impossible to prove. Only wgt have the possibilty to pick out the multiaccounters ip-adresses as siteowner. No proxy firewall or whatever you have on your pc can stop wgt for look where you are when you log in, you set your foot-/fingerprint in the log!


    Actually Egon that's not true, due to my location I have to use a proxy server, and my IP address shows as whichever proxy site I choose, it would be a very poor proxy if it did anything else.


  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 3:56 AM

    it would be a very poor proxy if it did anything else.

    Flash does not have to adhere to in browser proxy settings.

  • Chinajohn
    1,190 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 4:21 AM


    it would be a very poor proxy if it did anything else.


    Flash does not have to adhere to in browser proxy settings.


    That may be but no-one outside the VPN company know my 'real' IP address, as soon as I log on I go to my VPN, which is fully encrypted, only then can I go to another site, (I could use internal Chinese sites without it but many others are blocked). There is absolutely no trace of my real IP address anywhere for any human or programme to 'see'. Therefore Flash adhering, (or not) to brower settings is not the point, it does not and cannot know my 'real' IP address.

    The point is as much as I would love WGT to track and ban multi-accounters it really is near impossible due to widespread use of VPN's, and families playing from one PC, as well as some ISPs give apparently random IP addresses, or at least AOL used to I don't know if they still do.


  • StrayedFairway
    379 Posts
    Sun, Aug 11 2013 4:40 AM


    Sorry my misunderstanding I thought we were talking about proxy services alone, not VPN’s

    Your're spot on Chinajohn, correctly set up VPN connections, secured by outbound NAT, will divulge nothing, even if the VPN disconnects.