message was for trev , we Recruited one of his players / aparently, I have no ill will to say to you guys from southern / as I have mentioned and so has ironmanz / I think you guys have a great web site. and are going to have a bright future and I wish you much success, Tal I wasnt responding to you, I have nothing to say negative about you or trev. But the conversation was between your recruiter and ironmanz and trev jumped on him with both feet. Now I will say this . I have been managing sports for over 20 years, and ironmanz has his MBA in sports management , poaching doesnt exist in sports, golfers arent animals or slaves, there free agents / who should have a choice to always play where ever they want. theres no contracts . just situations , and every player needs to go where the best one is for his Activity or Skill set lets him florish, I know we have lost a few players and were still friends and skype and alternate golf together . Once again we might not agree on the way of recruiting players . But I'm okay with it . Why would a player leave a good situation? , they don't. I wouldnt leave our club the way it's active. Sorry if Offended you by accident . hope our next post will be of positive nature , good luck . Alex