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Old post, needlessly resurrected

Sat, Oct 26 2013 2:11 PM (34 replies)
  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Sep 20 2013 9:53 PM


  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Sat, Sep 21 2013 4:16 PM


  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Mon, Sep 23 2013 10:56 AM


  • gmaster007
    2,101 Posts
    Tue, Sep 24 2013 4:20 AM

    as one of the first that congratulated you
    on your fine work, please allow me to
    dispense a friendly advice
    and that is; don't "oversell" your cc.

    things like adding your cc banner and info
    to everyday replies on the various threads,
    as well as excessively bumping this thread can do more
    bad than good. I know you want to expand your membership
    but by overselling your club you might push away
    some of the more experienced players.

    so maybe throttle back a little for the time being,
    and don't worry about the numbers,
    most of the players that you'd want in your club
    don't care as much about headcount as they do about quality.

    if you provide a well administrated club
    with a seasonal schedule of events,
    back it up with a good website,
    and maybe add some sort of reward system (credits/balls)
    good players will find you, and come knocking at your door. ;)

    TC and good luck

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Fri, Sep 27 2013 10:03 AM



    Thanks for this, we added a few more members without the constant bumping, hope I didn't offend anyone with keeping Southern's recruitment thread at or near the top of the country club corner.

    Will let this thread go away for a few weeks while we take stock of Southern's first full month of operation :)




  • Elepharon
    146 Posts
    Sat, Sep 28 2013 11:09 AM


    I was given the responsibility for coordinating Southern England Links recruitment. The club is developing in a steady pace - first major tournament is under way and so are our monthly final tournaments.


    I would like to remind you that we are still looking for new active members. If you have any questions regarding the club or if you are interested in joining the club, feel free to add me to your friend list or send me a private message so I can give you more information about the club.


    Thank you,


  • ironmanz
    66 Posts
    Sat, Sep 28 2013 1:19 PM

    never mind , continued success , God bless you.

  • Talluin
    257 Posts
    Sat, Sep 28 2013 4:22 PM

    Thanks for the post Ironmanz,

    I'm sure Elepharon has all the tools and advice he needs to promote Southern and recruit a quality membership.

    THIS is what a club should look like after 12 months, let alone a few weeks!

    The Club isn't just about an owner and it's members it's a club run BY its members and that's why  even after just one month, our leaderboards are lively, our website is lively and our tournament structure is second to none.

    regarding to going to other clubs members, it's a policy at Southern NOT to approach or recruit members already in Country Clubs.  'Poaching' isn't what we are about, truth or not, those people are already in a club and in my opinion is a pretty underhand recruitment tactic.  not attacking you personally, it's an opinion, judging by recent posts on your own wall, you disagree and actively try to 'poach' members from other clubs, each to their own but it's NOT our choice!

    "Laff N Play CC" 

    Regarding the posting on a lot of my members wall that you would like them to join a very active CC.

    In just under 2 years you have played 129 ranked rounds,most of the tourneys you have played are CC tourneys so conditions for said tourneys are unknown.It also looks like you do not like to play alternate shot games very much so am I to assume you like to play alone which is fine but to me very boring.

    You are correct in the fact that for our CC tourneys that attendance could be better but in my CC we prefer to play alternate shot,skins match ,stroke etc where we are playing as a group while talking to each other on our own teamspeak channel and making friends and getting to know each other.CC tourneys are for those who want to work on their game or just have something to play if no 1 is on line at the time.

    Personally if you are  are trying to "poach" players from other CC,s it is very poor taste but each to their own.Every player in my very small but fun CC has been around a while and has asked to join or been invited by 1 of my members whom they have known for a while.

    Good luck in your future endeavours 


    Owner Laff N Play CC

    Passive recruiting in the WGT forums has worked well so far Ironmanz so i'm inclined to disagree with your observation. Possibly was too much exposure to begin with so we're throttling back a little.  As was pointed out, good players WILL seek us out and they have been.

    We have other avenues of recruitment, Our website is thriving and as well as our regular members, we have many anonymous users all day long tuning in to whats going on so the passive campaign over the last 2 weeks has worked incredibly well.

    I'm sure you've seen our website and seen our events schedule, we have a great structured setup and have a ranking event going on almost every day of the month. Our forum is bustling and the club grows from strength to strength.

    I'm sure Elepharon will do a fantastic job coordinating recruitment, It allows me to improve every other area of the club. 

    The feedback from our members and indeed non-members here in the WGT forums,  has been amazing.  

    Please be a dear and either edit or remove your above post from our recruitment thread, the unnecessary pasted Leader-board is both intrusive and ugly! 



  • ironmanz
    66 Posts
    Sat, Sep 28 2013 8:43 PM

    I have really made a mistake joining in on club discussions / I am very sorry / I would rather spend my time working on my Own CC of 50, we just had 38 out 50 out golfers post there score on our 14th major. Im sorry If I offended anyone , I wish everyone continued success.  And may the lord grant you a happy life .