were not all like that roxie a mean we like a chat but it puts u off a game if your thinkin about wot the other players r wearing lol.
True Haribo !!! I couldnt care less what your wearing albiet thongs, stockings etc
Aslong as no1 hassles me re: sexual harrassment etc.
If I want a husband/bf I would join a dating site.....
I have no problem whatsoever having a chat with other players while 'ingame' but when they start saying obscene stuff like 'well if your single how do you satisfy yoursel?f' well thats just dam right rude an out of order.
Hey Roxie - the harassment works both ways you know! Ive lost count of the number of multi rounds ive been in where a girl will ask me to buy them something from the pro shop. My guess is that most of them were guys pretending to be girls but who knows!
btw I always play in a thong and stockings but really thats noones business but my own... :)