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Re: meter jumping.

Mon, Nov 18 2013 12:46 PM (37 replies)
  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 10:08 AM

    I propose a vote for a s s fist ing of all the WGT team,first come first shoved,5 days on bounce now meter retardness.i can handle now and again but 50 rounds of it your taking the pi ss


  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 10:16 AM

    Here's a little visual tip for those of you who want to use the task manager performance graph to time your swing.....

    The task manager in windows 8 is completely different, but you can still do what you've explained and have it "on top", BUT for a more DETAILED graph you have to open RESOURCE MANAGER from task manager which gives you the green graph but you're unable to keep this graph on top (no options)  But the task manager gives you all the info you need any way

    I used to play this game on my Kids PC because i keep my Mac for studio work, It only had 1 gig of Ram and one of first dual core processors, no graphics card and it was showing Its Although It was WAY BELOW minimum requirements but i could still play WGT with a smooth meter most of the time but I did experience a few stutters and skips or meter gets 3/4 way down and pauses or skips past ding but the game was playable and wasn't effecting rounds much. (yes a few ready go's i might get stung what did i expect from a below par PC) 

    I decided to buy a brand new Dell PC with i7 processors, 12 GIG of RAM, 2 gig graphics card (dual core) and yes meter is extremely smooth WITH DRIVER and most of the time with other clubs, BUT the meter will get 3/4 way down and zoom or speed up with a kick on all of my clubs, even slow meter putter!!  I though a new PC would eradicate any meter issues, but Its not that much different form using my kids OLD PC.  All thats better is faster loading.  This shows me that Its not us who are to blame for meter but WGT or internet (although my internet is FAST!) I bet the poor meter is so confused because It started off as starter ball speed then WGT introduced a different speed for different clubs and on top for balls too so I bet the meter doesn't know if its coming or going let alone what speed its meant to travel.  i think THats why meter speeds up 3/4 way down and is NEVER SMOOTH most of the time.  Seriously, why is it so difficult to get a moving line to work when you can play other graphic intensive games with no problems??

  • ScottHope
    10,684 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 10:54 AM

    With Windows 8 Chris, Microsoft are moving towards getting people to use the 'cloud' much more, therefore a lot of what goes on in the background with Windows 8 is to do with backing up and synchronising lots of settings and files to the 'cloud' so that you can access all this stuff from any PC you use, so your internet is being used behind the scenes more than perhaps we might realise and therefore affecting the game too. Mostly supposition really but some of it might be near the truth.

  • russta
    58 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 10:54 AM

    or just right click on desktop, select gagets and add cpu meter. i put it in the corner of my screen months ago and it really helped me out. my laptop is way below spec but i dont do too bad

    Happy swinging, Russ

  • chrisironsbones
    3,524 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 11:02 AM


    With Windows 8 Chris, Microsoft are moving towards getting people to use the 'cloud' much more, therefore a lot of what goes on in the background with Windows 8 is to do with backing up and synchronising lots of settings and files to the 'cloud' so that you can access all this stuff from any PC you use, so your internet is being used behind the scenes more than perhaps we might realise and therefore affecting the game too. Mostly supposition really but some of it might be near the truth.

    No, you can turn all the windows "live" tiles off so there's no internet traffic.  And there's no way i would change windows 8 now I've started using It.  Should have been invented sooner. lol

    But at present I'm downloading Adobe CAptivate so I can record myself playing Wgt, listening to music whilst playing the winter tour AND BROWSING in maxthon split screen at the same time and my meter is smooth the majority of times but now and then with putter you can see it start to woble  an inch from the ding but not causing any problems.  The way It happens in the same place every swing with the putter shows me all the speed meter speed variables effect it.  I've been playing 3 holes and looking at task manager's graphs and i closed the split screen and music but continue to download and play and my cpu usage hardly rises above 20% and thats when It loads a new shot screen, and memory stays the same regardless if i HOLD THE SWING or not. My cpu usage drops back down to below 15% within a second of loading next shot so makes no difference if i'm holding meter at top of swing  Personally with higher spec Pc's holding the meter is more like a placebo effect, but it probably does make a difference with lower spec and memory Pc's

  • burchell123
    362 Posts
    Fri, Nov 15 2013 12:22 PM

    Seriously, why is it so difficult to get a moving line to work when you can play other graphic intensive games with no problems??

    it's not hard.just after 6 years+ these guys don't know how to do it.apart from player movement on swing the only thing that moves on a still screen game is the meter and it's the only thing they can't get i said other day in a previous post tetris made back in 80's was made with rocks stones and leaves and still worked better than this pile of shite


  • Games4Ever71
    623 Posts
    Mon, Nov 18 2013 9:35 AM


    Macs don't have meter issues using Safari _PC's are a crapshoot. Also Chromebooks using Chrome are very smooth. PC users- it is all about the flash version. If you find a flash version that is smooth, disable your updates...

    Here goes the Mac vs. PC war in forums.

    I am using a laptop with i3 with intel hd 4000 and 4 gig with windows 8.1, and not a hitch. Just rare occasions of skip. Mine isn't even that old of a laptop either, but cheap, and using Waterfox. I don't see the point of Mac users starting a better than thou war. There are problems with Macs all the time, and they will just argue and say they never had issues. I have used them and they have just as many issues as PC, may not be viruses, but other issues. You can't fix most of them yourself like with a PC, you have to take it to Apple and pay more.

  • jameshodgehodge
    21 Posts
    Mon, Nov 18 2013 12:46 PM

    Same here. Tried loading for firefox, internet exployer and google chrome with every turned off but the playing page and doing a full swing without hitting but nothing seems to help. Very frustrating!