filmslayer: really , i stream padora , leave forum open with 3 other windows and have over 170 friends in my list yet dont suffer from meter issues ... the only thing i do and its not even a tweak is hold power for a 3 count . the only time i ever see a stutter is if i play to fast . not sure who first posted that tip but believe YankeeJim re-posted it before ...
Pandora (streaming audio) uses minimal CPU resources. Holding power for 3 seconds is very effective and a big meter saver. I do it too. Probably why you get by with 170 friends.
filmslayer: some things that i've sussed are ,turning off
all auto updates , this will really kill a game , set your security to
game mode (if it has it) , make sure there isn't anyone else on your
connection , if someone else in the house is streaming something (same
connection) game play can really suffer .
You do any of these on your new computer too? Would make sense if you did.
filmslayer: .. but i guess its just easier to blame WGT...
Thanks for the cheap shot. You know how much investigation I've done on the meter, I put the blame where it belongs.