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Re: Giving Thanks

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Tue, Dec 10 2013 2:49 PM (7 replies)
  • dandycap
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, Nov 26 2013 4:46 AM

    Here in the USA, Thursday is Thanksgiving day in which we thank the one that made it all possible.    I will be passing out dinners to lonely elderly people in my area before I sit down with my family to a turkey dinner.   To the first person, who lives near an area of poverty, that could use a sleeve of Callys, in turn give a slice of pie (or something appropriate)  to a needy person  ~~~ please reply  --  just dandy

  • raycin1019
    377 Posts
    Tue, Nov 26 2013 7:51 AM

    My wife and I always spend Thanksgiving morning at a local homeless shelter helping to prepare the meals and distributing them starting at noon. We have to leave at 2 to have our turkey at our sons house, but it is a great feeling seeing the faces on the unfortunate when they are served their hot meal.

  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Nov 26 2013 11:31 AM

    In the past I have watched for homeless folks and decided who was legit and who was scamming. I have brought people to my house (at first much to my wife's dismay) and let them get cleaned up, shave, shower, clean clothes the whole 9 yards. Let them have a great dinner and listen to their stories. I still know many of these people who have turned it around in their lives. I was only a small part of their turn around, but that is enough for me. I have never had much in my life as far as money or material things. I have raised a family and kept myself clean and out of trouble. Anything beyond that  is a plus and I appreciate it. The human factor is all I care about. I don't need the big house and the fancy cars. They are only tokens of a person own selfishness. If you can afford those things, just do without them and help another less fortunate eat and have a little dignity.

    May everyone have a hot meal and a warm bed.


  • DaddysKat
    3,554 Posts
    Tue, Nov 26 2013 12:31 PM

    Prior to running off to college, my uncle would have us accompany him to the local homeless shelter (well, we kind of went kicking and screaming the first time).  When I went off to college, I would go work the shelter every year afterward ... just got to be a "feel good" habit.  Now that I'm back home, I will be joining my uncle this Thursday.

    It is a real eye opener to those who have never donated time to the shelters, and while I only do it on Thanksgiving day, it should be something we all try to do every day.  I have seen families standing outside the grocery store, asking for money to help them out.  Now instead of giving them money, I tell them to wait until I'm done, then I'll give them a care package of food.  It just breaks my heart seeing children that must live homeless due to their parents' misfortunes.

    I hope everyone has a wonderful Thanksgiving!  Give thanks and share the love!

    Kat ♥

  • dandycap
    1,825 Posts
    Tue, Nov 26 2013 6:09 PM

    Thank you  --  Ray, Ren  and Kat,  those were lovely words....    I wish you all a  ~~~ Happy Thanksgiving ~~~     btw Ray Wins a sleeve of Callys !!!   gooble, gooble gooble

  • raycin1019
    377 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 10:11 AM

    Danny, I wanted to thank you for the sleeve of balls.  As usual, it was both fun and heartbreaking this Thanksgiving to see the needy and to realize how lucky me and my family are...I have a great wife that I have been married to for 43 years and my son has never caused me a bit of trouble and is now progressing well in his career.  I am truly blessed.


  • renniw52
    5,385 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 11:41 AM

    Dang ray, we both got married in 1970, seems like a lifetime ago, oh wait it has been a lifetime.  My wife is getting a little picky in her golden years, with me anyhow. And not one of my 3 children have ever been in a bit of trouble, no arrests, no drugs, all are married and have great families. Yeah, I give thanks, my bad examples must have taught them right. Truly blessed is still having both of your parents alive. I had the tearful joy of calling them yesterday to wish them a Happy 64th Anniversary. 


  • collegefather11
    2 Posts
    Tue, Dec 10 2013 2:49 PM

    Hey guys i am a college student and single father i just wanted to say thank you for being the citizens you are!!!! it scares me every single day about my 1 yr old growing up in this world with the way some people are nowadays once again thanks so much for being so kind and caring very thoughtful and i know you guys dont do it for the recognition! but you sure as hell desere it! invite me sometime id love to play a game with you guys because it seems to be a re occuring theme to get jerks on this game and all they care about are themselves and the game . I on the other half enjoy what I believe wgt wanted this site to be is the friendships of the few GREAT PEOPLE I HAVE MET HAPPY HOLIDAYS TO YOU GUYS!!!!!!!