mantis0014: they should be counted as Ranked Rounds
They are ranked rounds so they can be actual tourneys. Really it just confuses things though as they do not count towards saturation. I think not counting there is correct as you could have that silly scenario of 499 RRs at Legend and shoot a 30 at BF9 and TL - as Mainzmain referred to. BoP3/5s do not affect affect headline average but do play with other stats not least of which being best score. My scrambling stat is still below 60 after I decimated that one and others chasing the R1 with Par 3 tourneys, starter ball double quick time...My choice that 1 but demonstrates that Par 3s play with loads they should not....WGT Stats is an area where it's easy to get confused and something the company needs to sort out...Will they?