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Thu, Jan 2 2014 9:24 PM (2 replies)
  • mbrown13kos
    179 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2014 7:56 PM

    Many out there like me earn credits through surveys, video etc. Some months back WGT made an announcement that there would be MORE opportunities to earn credits and they did add an extra video segment but this is minimal. Doing a survey is the best way to generate credits so you can play, now it seems WGT is limiting the number of survey a person can TRY and take....not complete but TRY. The survey itself is designed to qualify or disqualify a person if your answers don't match the demographic of what they are looking for, so why is WGT going one step further to make it harder and more difficult to earn credits? Limiting the number you can try. Increase my ability to earn credits have misled me and everyone else....the survey will rule out who gets in and who does not. By limiting the number we can try you have now taken a valuable asset away from the companies that pay you to put their survey on your they know this? When you deny me access, I could be the perfect person the survey is looking for and you have just slapped the companies that pay you good money right in the face because you have denied me access. Increase credit earning opportunities......we have been have decreased it WGT and I cry foul.

  • alanti
    10,564 Posts
    Thu, Jan 2 2014 8:50 PM

    Some months back WGT made an announcement that there would be MORE opportunities to earn credits and they did add an extra video segment but this is minimal.

    But if an extra video segment was added, then is isn't  the statement true? For the record I get 7 video carousel views, seldom any other videos to view.

    WGT is limiting the number of survey a person can TRY and take....not complete but TRY

    I cannot comment on surveys because in over three years of playing, I have only had 1 survey offered. The only reason why WGT would limit players views would be based on a quota system, so  presumably  be fair to all players. 

    As I said due to my geographical location, they are never available so your option is still better than many others, even if it is hit and miss whether you qualify or not.

    As an advertiser you want to target the person who is right for your product - the same goes for a survey. So fair enough if you do not meet the demographics (as long as it is done early) and yu therefore do not qualify.

    That said I had no idea that there was a limitation on the number of surveys you could attempt, so would be nice to get an  explanation  from WGT if this is the case. 

    But not getting the  opportunity  to do any, I wonder if you get re-routed to a third  party web site and they are the ones who have the limitations set not WGT.

    Finally I will say, from what I have read, the payouts are poor in comparison to the time it can take. Therefore paid as an hourly rate you may be better of taking a job in a sweat shop in Asia. 

    All I can do is accept my 7 carousel views and when I hit 100 collect 75 credits. Not enough to keep me in balls so have to top up myself. But that is my choice to have good equipment and in reality is damed fine value IMO. So I am grateful of any credits I can earn and certainly have never felt misled.