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Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:02 PM (51 replies)
  • thebigeasy707
    5,885 Posts
    Thu, Jun 16 2011 12:43 PM


    The matter of inconsistency of the tournament greens is such. Each course has slightly different speeds. It's not so much inconsistency as it is that. Some courses have slightly faster greens and some like St. Andrews have slightly slower. But it is like that in real life. No course no matter how well maintained has the same exact greens speed every day. So the inconsistency that we face on here is just like in real life.

    I understand that all the different courses will have different speeds of greens...that's not the issue with me. Each course will have their greens done ergonomically different to one another.

    My issue is that I'll play RSG one minute and the speeds/conditions will be different from the next time I play it maybe an hour or so later....there's no real explanation for that.

    I've found this on a few of the courses lately.

    as for the last 2 back to back RG's on BPB Front 9 on *cough* Championship greens....ok I hit a 29 and 30 on them.....but they'd have been 27's if the greens were as advertised....because they sure as hell weren't championship. I read in an earlier post that Infinito3010 encountered the same I'm inclined to take his word for it too.



  • BackwoodsTom
    32 Posts
    Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:02 PM

    Hey, thanks to all of you for the postings on this topic. I thought it was just me.