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Tue, Jun 21 2011 6:02 PM (51 replies)
  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 12:19 AM

    Am I the only one that thinks the tournament greens are horrible.  They are suppose to be faster than the very fast greens but I have had several occasions when I'm putting for around 6 yards where I hit it full to go six yards and it comes up short.  This is the same distance that I use to hit on the very fast greens and they never came up short.  What gives.

  • simovoice
    4,963 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 1:50 AM

    I noticed it too. It's rather difficult to understand the behaviour of new greens, it seems they behave in different ways ... The problem is greater when the putt is longer ...

  • sweetbakerdude
    8 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 7:34 AM


  • Sargenjd01
    366 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 7:41 AM

    take a look at the ball you are using! Then go look at what Iconian is using!

  • ironking34
    749 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 9:02 AM


    take a look at the ball you are using! Then go look at what Iconian is using!

    This have nothing to do with the balls anyone is using.  I've been putting here long enough to know inconsistent and new tournament greens are inconsistent.  the balls should be faster than the very fast greens so it make no sense that hitting a putt the same distance that you use for the very fast greens comes up short with the tournament greens when they should be rolling faster.

  • Sargenjd01
    366 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 9:15 AM


    This have nothing to do with the balls anyone is using.  I've been putting here long enough to know inconsistent and new tournament greens are inconsistent.  the balls should be faster than the very fast greens so it make no sense that hitting a putt the same distance that you use for the very fast greens comes up short with the tournament greens when they should be rolling faster.

    That is not what I was saying or really what I was trying to say is take a look around at what others are using. No the greens are not the same and yes there is a bit of inconsistency. Like you I have been here along time as well. I took a look at the ball others were using and I found that the G13-S hits almost exactly the same (for me) in legend as it did on the very fast greens! :-D

  • Mem11
    199 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 9:57 AM

    I agree, very inconsistent depending on the green.  Have had at least two 6 footers come up short on SA, like you hit it the full 6 on the meter...

    That is not what I was saying or really what I was trying to say is take a look around at what others are using.

    Sorry Sarg, I have know clue what you are trying to say, unfortunately reading comprehensive isn't one of my strong points :-) 

    I can attest to what ironking is saying.  WGT has come on the forums before and said that it makes no difference what ball you hit, they will all react exactly the same on the greens.  So your GI3-2 will react just like my GI2-S on Tournament greens, if not, then Houston we have a problem.

  • TheZiggy
    550 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 10:05 AM

    We all know that there is a built in variation to any shot you hit, even if you ding it. I think this is showing up a lot more with the tournament speed greens than it did with the very fast. For any extra speed that is added, the ball will travel just that bit further, and any slope on the green becomes more accentuated, especially if you get a putt where it decides you've mis-hit the shot so it's playing more down the slope than you intended.

    Reading the green properly is so much more important than it ever was. I always check behind the hole to see if it really an extra foot of distance, or if the slope is really an extra inch different in elevation. Also if you miss a putt where there's a lot of slope, it's also makes a lot more difference now if you pass the whole on the high or low side. Missing on the high side is much preferred, as any misjudgement in speed means you're closer to the hole than if you miss it on the low side.

  • Sargenjd01
    366 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 10:25 AM

    Sorry Mem, I have never played that ball so I would not be able to answer. Compared to the Tour-S and the SD Yeah Big Difference

  • TheZiggy
    550 Posts
    Mon, Sep 6 2010 10:43 AM

    What's he's saying, is that when putting the balls should not behave any differently, then of course what the feel attribute does for the meter.