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Re: Some thoughts from a noob

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Fri, Sep 17 2010 2:49 PM (36 replies)
  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 12:37 PM

    I am sure  he  has  an answer in an  to attempt to ridicule it  (perhaps  not the correct one  but an answer all the sam

    Definitely not the right word.  Not a single disparaging remark about it. Get off your high horse and "dumb" down to the commoner's level. Not everybody is blessed with your tremendous insight to the world of handicapping. 

    Software over 100 years old? What world was that in? 

  • Crazyman2
    731 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 12:51 PM

    A world  when there was respect and gentlemanly conduct as supposedly in the game of golf  . Rather than acting like a twat!  perhaps  you should try and apply it sometime.   You know full well that the "handicapping system has been around for that time , or are you that "dumb"  not to realise  that there were other forms  of  systems around  that didn't require the aid of a computer or its associated software. 

  • trumpy959
    99 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 1:40 PM

    If I only had the ability to make some sort of positive suggestion here to solve all of whats wrong with the game I most certainly would but unfortunately im not smart enough to do that....

    I would like to add that it seems to me that some sort of Handicaping system would definately be a fix for alot of the complaints and problems i read about (some my own) in these forums. In the spirit of how the game of golf is played and scored it is a proven system and although maybe not perfect, it is what works the best, and whats in place for how the real world deals with such issues similar to the ones we face here.  

    I cant help but think of the huge amount of work it must take to develop, maintain, and improve this game in an effort to keep everyone interested, as well as making it fair for all who play it. With that said... and all of the hard work under there belts, how hard could it be for the administration to impliment a Handicap system?  The positive aspects alone (as mentioned in this post) would seem to fix so much of what is wrong here in WGT. Rather than more compounded errors, or another update that may or may not complicate the already complicated... it would seem an easier direction for WGT to move towards in an effort to improve the game.

    my $.02

  • YankeeJim
    25,827 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 1:49 PM

    A world  when there was respect and gentlemanly conduct as supposedly in the game of golf  . Rather than acting like a twat!  perhaps  you should try and apply it sometime

    Ah yes, just like this.   

    Anything else you'd like to assault me with, Your Excellency?  :-D



  • danohi50
    1,020 Posts
    Wed, Sep 15 2010 11:43 PM

    Trumpy  this is getting like politics. We have the democrats and the republicans and neither one has come up with THEE solution. lol

  • geordieles
    516 Posts
    Thu, Sep 16 2010 9:36 AM

    We have played the handicap system since january in golfseekers and yes it does work very well for us and like in a real golf club no one dominates all the tournies,its a level playing field where each player in golfseekers feels he has as much chance of winning as the next player


    player A  handicap 6.5 playing off 7 scores a 66 - 7 = 59 nett

    player B handicap 15.1 playing off 15 scores a 69 - 15 = 54 nett

    player B obviously wins but the sss ( standard scratch score) for this game was 57

    player B being a catagory 3 player will have his handicap cut by 0.3 per shot below the sss

    in this case 0.9 which reduces his handicap to 14.2 now playing off 14

    However player A is over the sss score and will have his handicap increased by 0.1which will take his handicap up to 6.6 still playing at 7

    You will only ever have your handicap increased by 0.1 when over the sss no matter if you shoot 2 over the sss or 50 over the sss

    Any baggers trying to increase their handicap would have to post a few bad rounds to get 1 shot back, a bagger of say 13.5 playing off 14  would have to post 10 bad rounds to get his handicap to 14.5 playing off 15.

    It works for us and might be worth wgt looking at.



  • torch2k
    18 Posts
    Fri, Sep 17 2010 2:49 PM


    If I go into a match with killer equipment, I'd expect to play from a killer footing.  Pro driver?  Pro tees.  Master driver?  Move me back another step.  Some dream 320-yd Legend Driver?  I'll tee off from the parking lot.  Doesn't that level the field?

    I think it does. Play from the higher ranked player's Tee.

    That's a partial solution, but presents a problem I tried to express in the OP.  Hoping you'll humor me while I I expand on it.


    As a Pro, I'd expect shorter tees when playing against a Master or Legend, since I'm immediately giving up 20 yards off the tee and 5-15 yards off every iron in my bag.  Masters playing Legends, however, would have an advantage since they're playing from shorter tees with the same equipment, as has been said a multitude of times recently.

    I don't want to continue to play Masters+ as a Pro forever, though.  I'd like to move up, purchase better gear, and take my chances (and my lumps, I'm sure) at a higher level.  But if I do move up a tier, the level system prevents me from choosing the equipment that I want until I've played literally hundreds of rounds.  In the meantime, I'm essentially stuck as a Pro in a Masters league.

    It's the clubs that are the problem.

    In the real world, anyone can purchase any clubs they can afford, and no-one worries about it, since regardless of equipment, poor players will shoot high scores.  (And we've all seen our share of 20-handicap 'serious' players who are trotting high-end clubs around the course.)

    Here, though, if your trigger finger is quick enough, you can improve your game almost immediately with better clubs.  This makes handicapping between levels quite different from score-based rankings in the real world, and seems to be the fly in the ointment with the new system.

    So why not make ALL clubs available to ANY player, then rank the clubs?

    If, in my often fallible way, I decide that buying Master level clubs will make me the best golfer on WGT, then let me have them.  Ever bearing in mind, of course, that if I'm using them, I'll be teeing off from the Master tees and playing in Master conditions.  I'm pretty sure any of the better-known sharks out there will be happy to dispel my notions of instant success in those circumstances.

    As long as my average remains where it is, though, I'd continue to be ranked Tour Pro.  As such, I'd be unable to use my shiny new monster clubs in any competition within my tier.  In those cases, I'd have to equip clubs that are appropriate to my level.

    I'm thinking in terms of advancement for newer players like myself:  availability of equipment should not give me an unfair advantage at my present level; lack of availability should not be a barrier to moving to the next level; and, my incentive for progressing would be better prizes and better competition.

    If tee assignments based on club usage seems too contrived, then bear in mind that I just played 18 holes of golf without leaving my chair.